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by Shrinky Dink
Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:21 pm
Forum: Random Chatter
Topic: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10
Replies: 5227
Views: 4971377

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

You can get the bindings on the skis adjusted to fit the boots you have. I would go to a ski shop and see what they say about adjusting them. I just bought some used skis that are from the 90s but are in really good condition and the bindings were able to be adjusted for some boots I rented for the ...
by Shrinky Dink
Tue Feb 24, 2015 6:21 pm
Forum: Reader Response
Topic: freebyu
Replies: 23
Views: 13285

Re: freebyu

The example that came to my mind is in the Celestial, Terrestrial, Telestial, and outer darkness. D&C 76. vs 83 says people in the telestial kingdom "are they who deny not the Holy Spirit" vs 84-85 says that these people will be thrust to Hell until the last resurrection. (But they wil...
by Shrinky Dink
Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:12 pm
Forum: Soapbox
Topic: Rant of the Day
Replies: 630
Views: 1209265

Re: Rant of the Day

I want to make a little complaint about my husband, but I haven't talked about it with him. So I won't at the moment (I've made myself a promise that I won't talk bad about something involving him without talking to him first.) So, I'll make this small complaint/observation. I'll get cold outside an...
by Shrinky Dink
Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:04 pm
Forum: Reader Response
Topic: The One Where The Question Asker Words Things Weirdly
Replies: 5
Views: 3774

Re: The One Where The Question Asker Words Things Weirdly

I think it would help if this question asker would just leave out the links to board questions and just put "BQ#12345". Their questions are pretty difficult to understand, but changing one or two things might make a positive difference on how easy it is to interpret.
by Shrinky Dink
Fri Feb 20, 2015 7:22 pm
Forum: Random Chatter
Topic: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10
Replies: 5227
Views: 4971377

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Ctrl+Enter puts in the www. and .com in the address bar so you don't have to.
by Shrinky Dink
Wed Feb 11, 2015 12:44 am
Forum: Random Chatter
Topic: What makes you happy today?
Replies: 149
Views: 199931

Re: What makes you happy today?

My computer was making weird noises so I decided to backup important documents. About an hour after I did, I got a really weird blue screen of death before my computer restarted. It seems to be doing fine now, but I'm really glad for my external hard drive and the backup of all the pictures and docu...
by Shrinky Dink
Wed Feb 11, 2015 12:40 am
Forum: The Less Than 100 Hour Board
Topic: BYU Stem Fair
Replies: 3
Views: 4981

BYU Stem Fair

So, this Thursday is BYU's STEM fair (Feb 12th) and I'll be attending from BYU-Idaho. I didn't think to ask sooner, otherwise I would have asked the board. Is there a way I can print on campus without being a student? Can a visitor access the wi-fi? I'll be bringing my computer and a thumb drive in ...
by Shrinky Dink
Tue Feb 10, 2015 9:45 pm
Forum: Reader Response
Topic: Update to Question #70199
Replies: 6
Views: 4591

Re: Update to Question #70199

I haven't asked any relationship questions, but yours reminded me of my own EFY experience. I had a major crush on one guy in my group, he was smart, participated in many of the same activities I did, but he lived about 4 states away. Around 4-6 years later, I was in a religion class when a girl was...
by Shrinky Dink
Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:23 pm
Forum: Random Chatter
Topic: What's for dinner?
Replies: 434
Views: 299932

Re: What's for dinner?

Yesterday I made lasagna in the crockpot. It actually turned out better than I expected. I also never cook so this was a pleasant surprise to my husband.
by Shrinky Dink
Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:19 pm
Forum: Soapbox
Topic: Rant of the Day
Replies: 630
Views: 1209265

Re: Rant of the Day

No. No, I don't. If I'm sitting in a class trying to pay attention and learn, it is not up to me to be accommodating when others in the class want to talk among themselves. If they really find their own conversations of more value than the lecture, they can go out in the hall. I don't care if half ...
by Shrinky Dink
Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:17 pm
Forum: The Less Than 100 Hour Board
Topic: Downton Abbey costume
Replies: 2
Views: 4358

Re: Downton Abbey costume

You can get batting from your local fabric store, you can use it to plump up your torso, bottom, and arms if you're wearing long sleeves. Plus, batting has more structure than stuffing so you you won't be as lumpy.
by Shrinky Dink
Mon Jan 19, 2015 2:47 pm
Forum: The Less Than 100 Hour Board
Topic: How do you communicate in your job related to linguistics?
Replies: 1
Views: 4304

Re: How do you communicate in your job related to linguistic

My sister majored in linguistics and has found her passion in HR. Unfortunately, I don't know how she uses technical communication in her area of work.
by Shrinky Dink
Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:16 am
Forum: Reader Response
Topic: #80599 Alcohol 101
Replies: 13
Views: 6416

#80599 Alcohol 101

In the writer's defense, my sister was a bartender and later on a bar manager, all while being an active member. The restaurant she worked at noticed that when they took the time to train LDS bartenders, less alcohol would be unaccounted for. Us mormons are less likely to drink on the job, which is ...
by Shrinky Dink
Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:23 pm
Forum: Soapbox
Topic: Rant of the Day
Replies: 630
Views: 1209265

Re: Rant of the Day

It's snowing, and I want to be annoyed with the snow, but I'm going snowboarding for the first time tomorrow and I'm kinda excited, but I don't want to drive in the snow today...
by Shrinky Dink
Mon Jan 12, 2015 1:46 am
Forum: Reader Response
Topic: Sibling shenanigans (#80530)
Replies: 9
Views: 5057

Re: Sibling shenanigans (#80530)

This didn't happen to a sibling, but a friend. My sister and I look a lot alike, so this served two purposes. We made up a third sister. She had a name, family, went to college, and has two kids, and let's call her May. Mostly we used her when someone would ask, "Are you two twins?" and we...
by Shrinky Dink
Thu Jan 08, 2015 6:30 pm
Forum: Reader Response
Topic: Wisdom teeth
Replies: 3
Views: 3102

Re: Wisdom teeth

I only had four wisdom teeth, but I had a fifth tooth removed on the same day. It was an adult tooth that refused to grow larger than a small nub so we had it taken out. I still have a baby tooth because of this.
by Shrinky Dink
Thu Jan 08, 2015 6:28 pm
Forum: Reader Response
Topic: Awkward Initials #80490
Replies: 11
Views: 6062

Re: Awkward Initials #80490

Oh, I also know a guy who's initials are STD.
by Shrinky Dink
Wed Jan 07, 2015 3:07 pm
Forum: Reader Response
Topic: Awkward Initials #80490
Replies: 11
Views: 6062

Re: Awkward Initials #80490

You reminded me of this Buzzfeed article ... pp7K6rwjn7

Some initials can be cute, my cousin's son has the initials BMW so his nickname is Beamer.
by Shrinky Dink
Wed Jan 07, 2015 2:58 pm
Forum: Soapbox
Topic: Rant of the Day
Replies: 630
Views: 1209265

Re: Rant of the Day

If anyone has a story of spending around, say, $100 - $200 on a really cool dress that they bought themselves out of pocket, I'm all ears. I'll sell you my dress for $150 OBO it's a size 12 (snug on a 39" bust, 35" waist, 46" hip) Honestly it just takes up a lot of space in the apart...
by Shrinky Dink
Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:16 pm
Forum: Soapbox
Topic: Rant of the Day
Replies: 630
Views: 1209265

Re: Rant of the Day

Time for more Board Board pre-engagement angst! The process of getting my engagement ring has been completely frustrating and has taken way longer than I expected and I just want to be done with it so I can get engaged already, for Pete's sake. My boyfriend wants to wait until he has an actual ring...