The Daily Universe

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The Daily Universe

Post by Proteus »

- Aside from what I see as a blatant attempt to one-up Clark Kent's employer, The Daily Planet, I have a good bit of respect for The Daily Universe. I read it every once in a while. Aside from the fact that the publication is essentially student-written (which is not that big of a disadvantage from what I've heard), I think BYU's campus may be more to blame or credit with the lack of excitement. There just isn't that much controversy happening here. Certainly crimes occur like everywhere else, but our police blotter doesn't have the usual number of alcohol-related arrests. My hometown's blotter was exciting, but by that token it was also indicative of a less safe environment.

- Secondarily, I almost get the feeling that it's a little harder to discover anything "underground" on the BYU campus because there's more shame and judgment associated with rule breaking here than on other campuses. Some girls got counseled out of heritage in the past week because of streaking and keeping boys in way past curfew, but I only heard about it after really digging at the issue with some of their friends. If someone throws a drunken party at U of Oklahoma, the photos will be online tomorrow night. If someone from BYU throws such a party, anyone with a camera would be taken out back... (as an aside, is it just me, or do more mormon parents and relatives have Facebook profiles than otherwise?). What I'm saying is, I think it's harder to find hard journalistic topics here as people are more concerned with the perhaps stricter rules. I don't think this is a terrible thing (though residence hall honor code restrictions make me cry). I do think further investigation should be done into those LSRPs.

"We installed that light switch so you could turn the lights ON and OFF, not so you could throw light switch raves!"
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Post by Neologism »

I know those girls. This made me laugh.
or so this werf thinks...
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Post by Marduk »

Wait, streaking at BYU? Where was I? You guys are supposed to be the good school.
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Post by Proteus »

Marduk wrote:Streaking!? Where?
For better or worse, it was done at a nearby elementary school.
Neologism wrote:I know those girls.
It's a small world. And mormonism is like a small demographic in a small country in that small world-- you wouldn't believe how many awkward EFY recognitions I've had!

How do you know them?
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Post by Neologism »

Well, I live in Heritage. But I actually know the 6 AM guy. It was funny because I heard the story about some guy staying in a girl's dorm until 6. And then I met him and a week later found out that he was the 6 AM guy...I was surprised...
or so this werf thinks...
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