Lost Finale

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Re: Lost Finale

Post by Damasta »

Who attacked Sayid, and why did he have Kate’s address?
Good answer.

Why was the smoke monster at the temple?
Well, he's gotta stay somewhere. Better question: why does draining the pool in the secret room behind Ben's closet summon the Black Smoke Monster?

How do the producers of Expose deal with the death of their two lead actors, Nikki and Paolo?
And really, who cares about Nikki and Paolo?

How does Eloise come to run the Lamp Post station?
I'd bet she intentionally took charge of it after DHARMA collapsed. You don't want that kind of tech falling into the wrong hands (e.g. Widmore's), now do you?

How does a pendulum predict the island’s movements?
Yeah, I don't know that they can really answer this one. It's just part of the mysticism of the show.

Why do those returning to the island need to recreate the circumstances of their first arrival?
I don't think this really needs to be explained. Besides, there was sort of a precedent for it: Widmore's science team consisted of three people who'd been on the Island in their youth (Faraday, Miles, and Charlotte). Only Naomi didn't have a prior tie to the island (that we know of). Also on the freighter were a pilot who was supposed to be on Oceanic 815 (Lapidus) and a former Lostie (Kevin Johnson a.k.a. Michael).

How did Jack, Hurley and Kate get from that Ajira flight to the 1970s, and why didn’t Sun?
I think the real reason is just that the writers wanted to prolong the separation between Sun and Jin just a little longer. You know, for dramatic effect.

How did Richard bypass the sonar fence?
I think the rule was that they couldn't be killed by the Man in Black or die by their own hand. But those touched by Jacob could still die by another's hand or by incidental means (e.g. a sonar fence). So I think this one could still use some explaining.

How did Ethan go from a member of the Dharma Initiative to a member of the Others?
Was he recruited at all? Or was he kidnapped, like so many other children?

What’s with all the hieroglyphics underneath the temple?
Good answer.
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Re: Lost Finale

Post by Damasta »

Why did Widmore tell Ben to kill Rousseau and her baby, and why did he then let Ben keep it anyway?
Good answer.

Why did Daniel leave the island in the 70’s?
To continue his research at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He said so.

Why does Richard think he saw everyone in the 1977 Dharma picture die?
Or the writers were just a little sloppy.

Who broke the circle of ash around Jacob’s cabin?
Please, please, please answer this one.

Why can Jacob leave the island but the smoke monster can’t?
Good answer. I imagine that Jacob had the ability to keep the Man in Black stuck on the Island, which is why he wanted to kill Jacob.

Jacob uses his last breath to say, “They’re coming,” but who are they?
Good answer.

What’s the deal with the pool that brings people back to life?
It must be connected to the Source (Mother: "life, death, rebirth"), somehow.

Why did Sayid come back to life with a British accent?
I think it was just to emphasize that he was different post-pool.

What is the “infection”?
This one is fuzzy. Either the Black Smoke Monster was causing the problems with pregnancy on the Island, or the two "infections" (people go crazy when under the Black Smoke Monster's influence and women die during pregnancy on the Island were conflated during the show.

Why was the Smoke Monster confused that Sawyer could see Young Jacob?
He wasn't confused; he was concerned and annoyed. He'd seen the Young Jacob and knew that anyone else who could see him was a candidate. And candidates meant that he wasn't getting off the Island, yet.
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Re: Lost Finale

Post by Damasta »

What’s the magic lighthouse about?
Good answer.

How is Dogen simply being alive keeping the smoke monster out of the lighthouse?
I'd guess that Jacob gave him that power. But perhaps he made the ash circles work because the one around the Temple stopped functioning as soon as Sayid had killed him.

What happened to the flight attendant Cindy and the kids?
I thought they were killed when Widmore's people bombed the beach. Not many came out the other side of that attack.

Why didn’t Sun tell Jin to go just so their daughter wouldn’t be an orphan?
Dumb Sun. Dumb Jin.

Where did Jacob['s] and the smoke monster’s mother come from?
Presumably the Roman Empire.

Where did Allison Janney come from?
Good answer.

Who finished the magic wheel that combined light and water?
I'd like this one answered.

What is the nature of the light?
Mother calls it: "life, death, rebirth". Good enough for me.

Why does Tina Fey want the electromagnetic map of the island?
Good answer, but that wasn't Tina Fey, it was Sheila Kelley.

How does the electromagnetic thing send Desmond to the afterlife and back?
Good answer, sans the profanity.

Wasn’t Sayid’s soulmate Nadia, not Shannon?
This works with the idea that:
Christian Shephard wrote:This is the place that you all made together, so that you could find one another. The most important part of your life, was the time that you spent with these people. That's why all of you are here. Nobody does it alone Jack. You needed all of them, and they needed you.
Nadia just wasn't part of that. Shannon was.

Why weren’t Michael, Walt, Lapidus, Eko, or any of the other characters at the church?
I mostly just want to know why Walt was left out.
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Re: Lost Finale

Post by Damasta »

Now that I've done all that, it appears that they drew a lot of their questions from this list compiled by Lostpedians.
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Re: Lost Finale

Post by Damasta »

Has anyone watched "The New Man in Charge"? Looks like Claudio can finally have his answer about the Hurleybird. And the supply drops and the pregnancy issues are cleared up (more or less). And I finally got to see Walt one more time. There are still things left unanswered, but I'm slowly coming to grips with it.
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Re: Lost Finale

Post by Whistler »

I know this is a year later, but I finally finished watching this show last night. Apparently I'm not very good at picking up on little things because I totally didn't pick up that it was the MIB in the ash-surrounded shack (but that explains a LOT). I'm not super happy with the way the finale didn't explain things (how is Jack's dad there if he was used by the MIB? But I guess Locke is there too?).

The thing I did like about this series was how I grew to like the characters. Everyone except Hurley was pretty much annoying me in the middle seasons, but by the end I think they changed for the better. I found the scene where Linus says no one will take him and Jacob's servant forgives him to be really touching. Linus's character was really fascinating to me; I wanted to like him even though he was such a scumbag most of the time. Anyway, reading your old discussion helped me deal with the lame aspects of the finale.
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Re: Lost Finale

Post by wired »

Whistler wrote:I'm not super happy with the way the finale didn't explain things (how is Jack's dad there if he was used by the MIB? But I guess Locke is there too?).
Locke and Christian (Jack's Dad) weren't used by the Man in Black; he assumed their forms. It seems once someone dies on the island, the MIB can assume that person's form. So the entire time you see Christian, it's actually the MIB just pretending to be him (except for flashbacks, of course).
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Re: Lost Finale

Post by Whistler »

okay, so that explains Locke's double bodies... but I wonder where Jack's dad's original body went...
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