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Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:56 pm
by Nanti-SARRMM
Yeah, the only thing Sauron does scrapbook are the towns and lives he's plundered, not to mention several empty pages awaiting rings of power that will never be filled.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:04 pm
by krebscout
This is not my scrapbook.


Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:11 pm
by Nanti-SARRMM
krebscout wrote:This is not my scrapbook.
It would be awesome if it were though.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:29 pm
by bobtheenchantedone
I finally read yesterday's post. Ha, that's funny.

My brother Draik, who is quite the ladies' man, is a pretty good baker and can cook well enough to feed himself. He will also engage in projects such as hat loom-ing, watch the occasionally chick-flick with his girlfriend (he's seen both He's Just Not That Into You and Confessions of a Shopaholic already) and, just last weekend, had Mother make him a vest to go with his tux so he and his girlfriend could have a nice dinner with her grandparents. A pink vest.

Re: 50310- Raging comment

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:47 pm
by Tao
Quiet Lamb wrote:A photo album is... well, you just stick photos in little protective plastic sections and call it good. At the most you have a scrapbook-type of book and only do the bare minimum of photos and photo corners, and maybe a souvenir or two, but nothing too special. A scrapbook is different. It varies from photos in photo corners surrounded by a lot of souvenirs to full out crafty wizards with fancy paper, fancy scissors, fancy buttons, sweat and tears. There are more souvenirs and crafty ornaments than there are photos.

So may I ask which is yours?
My mission scrapbooks (yes, I have two) are most definitely scrapbooks. While there are no frilly-scissor-cut edges, nor any construction paper at all to my knowledge, it is far more a scrapbook than a photo album. While I tried to get in at least one picture per page, I've got all sorts of stuff in there. Whether or not it is 'manly' I'm not one to say.

A brief glance brings up:

Scraps of Egyptian and Arabic I picked up to help converse with Max, a Coptic Egyptian who was interested, but lacked fluency in English.
Baptismal and sacrament meeting programs.
Newspaper clippings and a strip of Police tape from the murder investigation I got caught up in.
Equations doodled on pass-along cards detailing the boiling water needed to heat a font.
Scripture study sticky notes.
Lots of drawings from kids I served around.
A couple of 1 inch+ thorns, one I extracted from my bike tire, the other from my thigh.
Transfer faxes.

So, lots of rather random stuff, definitely not just a photo album. I do have a photo portfolio, which is kinda like an album, I guess.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:48 pm
by Tao
And I'd bet that the culinary men of the Board could compete with any non-professional, female or no, and hold our own just fine.

Someday we'll have a pie-off...

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:33 pm
by Neologism
So, unless its somewhere in the archives (in which case you should direct me to it. :D ) You should expound on the whole
murder investigation I got caught up in

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:15 pm
by Tao
hmmm, I know I've told the story a fair number of times, but I do not know if any of them were on the Board. I'll have to look it up.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:25 am
by Laser Jock
I always thought a scrapbook was just something like a journal, but with mostly physical mementos. E.g., a place to put ticket stubs, newspaper clippings, concert programs, and the like. It could be all artsy and so forth, but the things could just be slapped in there with a glue stick too, with no matting or die-cut stuff or carefully coordinated colors and layouts.
Tao wrote:And I'd bet that the culinary men of the Board could compete with any non-professional, female or no, and hold our own just fine.

Someday we'll have a pie-off...
I know I'd be in, and I'm betting Foreman and Claudio would too. We've even discussed this idea before, as part of a Board party, but either it didn't happen or I couldn't make it to that one. (I have a vague memory of one being suggested for Christmas break of a year ago.)

Re: 50310- Raging comment

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:13 am
by Quiet Lamb
Quiet Lamb wrote: A scrapbook is different. It varies from photos in photo corners surrounded by a lot of souvenirs to full out crafty wizards with fancy paper, fancy scissors, fancy buttons, sweat and tears. There are more souvenirs and crafty ornaments than there are photos.
I didn't say scrapbooks had to be all frilly, I gave a range. Note the "to" placement. if you don't protect your pictures from being jolted in someway (e.g. photo corners or protective covers), they won't last (especially if you're using paper containing acid); the photo corners also bridged between a photo album and a scrapbook.
Tao wrote:A couple of 1 inch+ thorns, one I extracted from my bike tire, the other from my thigh.
You kept a thorn that was in your thigh? That kind of makes me cringe.

And Sauron, it would be fun to see your textbook scrapbook. Though from the replies about it, it seems more like a gender-neutral, though with very unique concept, scrapbook. It'd be fun to see yours too, Tao, skipping the page with the thorns. Curious, have you guys seen these (albeit low-key) scrapbooks made by guys outside of Mormon culture?

For the record, guys that can cook well (I don't mean assemble a sandwich or make toast) is very attractive from my standpoint. When my dad was dating my mom, he made a pumpkin pie with meringue topping. THAT is unique ambition, right there. I also have a guy friend that sewed costumes for a low-budget middle-ages movie we did. Though sewing guys are less common, as (I think) are scrap-booking guys.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:10 am
by bismark
Laser Jock wrote:
Tao wrote:Someday we'll have a pie-off...
I know I'd be in, and I'm betting Foreman and Claudio would too.
this is why i, even as a de facto board writer[1], never go to any board parties.
