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Wierd foods

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:53 am
by Marduk
Being half Mexican (as I'm pretty sure I already mentioned) I enjoy a lot of stuff that people consider wierd. Tongue is probably my favorite; it has to be boiled all day, and then diced and grilled. Serve it in tacos with cilantro and onion, and some green salsa. OH it is so good! I also like cabeza (literally, head, it is an amalgam of tongue, cheek meat, brains, and occasionally, eyes) served the same way. And, although I've eaten tripe in soups (menudo) and tacos, I don't find it particularly good. Not because it is wierd, but it doesn't really have flavor, not to mention it is very, very chewy. It is like chewing a piece of rubber.

Oh, and chicken hearts are good, but that's not really Mexican.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:01 pm
by NerdGirl
I'm not very adventurous when it comes to meat products. I'll eat beef (I like it to be rare; it's gross if it's overcooked), dark meat chicken and turkey, and pork. As far as the ocean goes, I'll eat salmon. Pretty much no other fish, and definitely no shellfish. I used to be a vegetarian, actually, but it's really hard for me to get enough iron without eating red meat. This is because I have health issues that cause chronic anemia, not because I think people in general can't get enough iron without meat.

But as far as vegetables go, I frequently eat things most people I know have never heard of. And I can't eat gluten, so I cook a lot of weird grains. All the grad students in my department have lunch together once a week, and everyone always wants to know what the heck I'm eating. I think last time I had a red quinoa salad with fennel, avocado, and black tomatoes. And a bunch of lychees on the side. Oh, and I eat brussels sprouts or cabbage almost everyday. And grapefruit. I peel it and eat it like an orange.

Someone linked to an archived question that mentioned peanut butter and tomato as a bad combination. That is actually considered a major delicacy on by both sides of my extended family. So is peanut butter and bacon. And so is mixing all three. I like peanut butter and cheese as well, but the rest of my family thinks that's disgusting. In general I limit my dairy and soy intake, though, because I don't digest those things very well.

But any weird food you can imagine that's a plant, I've probably tried it and liked it!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:13 pm
by Damasta
I served my mission in Monterrey, Mexico. The strange foods I ate were: chicharrones (deep-fried pig skin--and sometimes it still had little hairs on it), mountain rat, snake powder, octopus, and cougar (as chorizo sausage). And since I've been back I had pig-brain tacos.

I had a scoutmaster who liked to eat peanut butter-jelly-dill pickle-cheddar cheese-mayonnaise sandwiches. Blech.

The worst thing I've ever encountered, though, was right here in good ol' Utah. In elementary school we were served, on several occasions...


...tuna jigglers. Ingredients: lime-flavored green Jell-O, a layer of mayonnaise, and a layer of tuna fish, browned on the top. Oh my gosh this was nasty. And my principal was a principled man who felt that no food should go uneaten. So he would stand by the garbage can and wouldn't let you leave until you'd eaten everything. He'd even shake your milk carton to make sure it was empty.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:13 pm
by Marduk
I served my mission in Monterrey, Mexico.
Derailing this thread momentarily so I can say that I have family there.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:15 pm
by Darth Fedora
I totally eat ketchup sandwiches all the time. It's important that you put the bread in the microwave for a couple seconds first so it'll be extra soft.
I told my roommate it's just like PB&J but low fat and with tomato jelly.

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 9:31 am
by Nanti-SARRMM
The weirdest food I've eaten is cow brains. Also possibly dog tacos off the streets of Tepito. Not the healthiest or smartest thing to have ever done, actually.