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Scrooge Fest

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 10:41 am
by bobtheenchantedone
The question about vital Christmas movies reminded me about my family's annual Scrooge Fest taking place this Saturday. You are all invited if you are so inclined.

The schedule goes thusly:

8:55am-A Christmas Carol (1938) starring Reginald Owen
10:05am-Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol
11:00am-Scrooge (1970) a musical, starring Albert Finney
12:55pm-The Muppet Christmas Carol
2:55pm-A Christmas Carol (1999)-starring Patrick Stewart
4:00pm-A Christmas Carol (2004)-a musical, starring Kelsey Grammer
5:37-8:15 Dinner Break (The house will empty then)
8:15pm-A Christmas Carol (1951)-starring Alastair Sim
9:45pm-Mickey's Christmas Carol
10:15pm-A Christmas Carol (1984)-starring George C. Scott

Just drop by for movies that you want to see. I will definitely be there until at least 11:30 am or so, will do my best to be there from 12:55 - 2:50 pm for the Muppets, and will be there for the musical at 4 pm. After dinner I hope to show up for Mickey at 9:45 but may be kidnapped by my Disney-disliking boyfriend so I can't make any promises. : )

Scones and hot chocolate will be served throughout the day. If you'd like to come and don't have my address send me a PM and I'll get it to you.