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Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 9:39 pm
by Emiliana
If anyone here is on Cymbalta, would you PM me?

Re: Cymbalta

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:59 am
by Emiliana
Ughhhhh I'm trying to taper off my Cymbalta because I don't have insurance right now. A few hours ago I felt awesome. Now it's 4am and I feel like hell.

Re: Cymbalta

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 12:13 am
by Portia
You got married and don't have insurance??? That's like the #1 reason to get married. My Cadillac health insurance has pretty much convinced me to have a kid ay this company and have my future husband look after the kid.

Re: Cymbalta

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:43 am
by Emiliana
Haha. Well, I'd been mooching off of my parents' insurance, but then I turned 26 right before the wedding. I'll have insurance again through a new job September 1. But the pharmacy tech worked some wizardry yesterday and got me a month's worth for cheap, and I have a friend bringing me some from overseas at the end of July. So as it turns out I don't need to be rationing my meds after all, which is good because the mood swings and nausea and lack of sleep REALLY weren't working for me.

Re: Cymbalta

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:55 am
by Portia
Emiliana wrote:Haha. Well, I'd been mooching off of my parents' insurance, but then I turned 26 right before the wedding. I'll have insurance again through a new job September 1. But the pharmacy tech worked some wizardry yesterday and got me a month's worth for cheap, and I have a friend bringing me some from overseas at the end of July. So as it turns out I don't need to be rationing my meds after all, which is good because the mood swings and nausea and lack of sleep REALLY weren't working for me.
If you don't mind my asking, are you on hormonal birth control? Did you switch types before the wedding? That business scares me, and the mood swings and nausea seem to fit in.

Re: Cymbalta

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:23 pm
by Emiliana
Yeah, I'm on hormonal birth control. The first month or so I felt kind of icky, but other than that it's been good. A lot of the more serious side effects like blood clots are only a problem if you're older or significantly overweight. I'm looking into something like a non-hormonal IUD just so I don't have to keep putting hormones into my body, though -- there's not any CONCLUSIVE link between cancer and hormonal birth control, but who knows...

The drug I was having withdrawal problems with, though, was my crazy expensive antidepressant. I had no idea that NSRI withdrawal could cause such wonky side effects.