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an open forum on the (really good) RS sesh

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:07 pm
by Portia
Woah. That was awesome. Doctrinally deep sermons, normal voices, not treacly, all hymns written by women, sister mish choir, radical need to keep own covenants, smacking down folk doctrine of "'perfect' LDS family," nod to divorcées, college coeds, and moms of boomerang kids. Um, what? Did I just enjoy that when I expected a sound browbeating??

Re: an open forum on the (really good) RS sesh

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:15 pm
by Tally M.
Yeah, I really liked it as well. Especially the focus on covenants and keeping those covenants.

Re: an open forum on the (really good) RS sesh

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:53 pm
by Portia
Tally M. wrote:Yeah, I really liked it as well. Especially the focus on covenants and keeping those covenants.
I like this, even (especially?) as one of the wayward, doubting Thomas women, because it is deeply individual and rather empowering. This is a good crop.

Re: an open forum on the (really good) RS sesh

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:13 pm
by Violet
Being about where Portia is along the scale of faith, I also appreciated the individuality. Especially the single people forging full and happy lives.

Re: an open forum on the (really good) RS sesh

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 1:40 pm
by C is for
I still can't get past "treacly" because I would not have described any of the previous General RS Presidency's voices as "treacly" at all. Sister Beck has, like, a strong voice, Sister Thompson has a matter-of-fact voice, and Sister Allred has an accent.

I think you might still be suffering from either the presidency prior to them (which was before my time) or just remembering YW Presidency voices (not that I would define Sister Dalton's voice as treacly either, but from my vague memory I could imagine people thinking of Sister Tanner that way).

But anyway yeah I loved the Broadcast and its focus on covenants. It made me feel secure in the recent choices I've made in my life regarding the gospel. Also I am pretty much a Sister Burton fan.

Re: an open forum on the (really good) RS sesh

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 2:04 pm
by Portia
Could be Primary Presidency members. I am thinking of those who speak in the "general" sessions, especially from the late nineties through the late '00s.