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compatibility and differences in lurve

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 6:29 pm
by Portia
I really enjoyed the two recent answers on personality differences in dating. They've given me matter to ponder as I get more serious (or you know not).

I tend to, like Stego before her marriage, have an inner Hitler Jugend which draws me to the Nordic types. But even I recognize that blue eyes may look pretty but aren't exactly predictive of happiness. (Take note, 19-year-old self! P.S. write back. ;) )

I've been reluctant to recognize that some traits combined with others are no bueno. I like impulsive guys ... They're fun! They are usually sex-positive! They'll buy plane tickets just to make you happy! But if that's combined with actual addictions, like drinking or blowing through money or an addiction to screwing around with me, that's a "no."

I'm a spendthrift who likes carbs but burns them off with boundless energy. I don't care what a guy's diet is if he is reasonably trim. I get ridiculously lonely for literally no reason but like introverts, so yeah, I never have had a "we are inseparable" bond.

I'm trying to be better about the idea that a guy should read my mind. (THOUGH HE SHOULD.) I guess if I feel resentful that someone doesn't implicitly understand me, like my brother does, I should say so?

But yeah, kindness and support are hard to accept if you're unused to them. I'm still learning...