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mandatory fun (i.e., shower attendance)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:39 am
by Portia
I agree that the aide seems aggrieved out of proportion to the situation; however, wasn't the boss rude in all-but-requiring the question asker's attendance? Aren't social events like this the very sort of thing that one ought to be able to decline graciously for nearly any reason, from a rehearsal to family obligations to car troubles to simple disinclination? Requiring your underlings to participate in after-work events doesn't sit well with me.

Re: mandatory fun (i.e., shower attendance)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:08 am
by NerdGirl

Re: mandatory fun (i.e., shower attendance)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:03 am
by Shrinky Dink
Unfortunately, I think the time to say, "I'm sorry, I can't make it that day." was when the aide was asked to bring chips and salsa. Since they already said they would bring food, they're kinda committed to going, unless they can make up a good enough excuse as to why not. Perhaps an old friend from college will unexpectedly be in town that week?

(when I first saw the title of this thread as "mandatory fun (ie shower attendance)" I thought this was going to be some twisted way of forcing teenagers to shower after gym class)

Re: mandatory fun (i.e., shower attendance)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:05 am
by Portia
It sounds like the aide was less asked than informed.

I remember the Relief Society calling my grandmother, trying to get her to do something like this. It was a time in her life when it was not possible, so she simply said, "no, I can't do that." It seemed like the other party was being pushy, but she held her ground. Saying "no" is difficult, but I think it's important.