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divorced dating for Mormons

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 6:09 pm
by Portia
My mom was a single mother (though not a divorcée) and seemed to have better luck dating someone who was not LDS then he converted. That was the late 80s though, don't know how things have changed on that front and I'm certainly not married, divorced, or a parent.

Re: divorced dating for Mormons

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:13 pm
by Amity
My soon-to-be-husband is divorced. We had been friends for about six weeks before we started officially dating and he told me about his divorce very soon after we decided to date exclusively, and I would recommend the same approach to others. I think it's best to tell about potential deal-breakers when you know the person well enough to trust that they'll handle the information maturely, but early enough that you don't get too attached to them if they decide it's a definite deal-breaker for them. After all, if someone's not going to want to date you just because you're divorced, wouldn't you rather know sooner than later?

Re: divorced dating for Mormons

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 11:35 am
by Portia
Amity wrote:My soon-to-be-husband is divorced. We had been friends for about six weeks before we started officially dating and he told me about his divorce very soon after we decided to date exclusively, and I would recommend the same approach to others. I think it's best to tell about potential deal-breakers when you know the person well enough to trust that they'll handle the information maturely, but early enough that you don't get too attached to them if they decide it's a definite deal-breaker for them. After all, if someone's not going to want to date you just because you're divorced, wouldn't you rather know sooner than later?
Does he have children? I think that adds a wrench in the works, for sure, and don't blame anyone for deciding that being a step-parent isn't a role they are willing to take on.

Re: divorced dating for Mormons

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:56 pm
by Amity
Portia wrote:Does he have children? I think that adds a wrench in the works, for sure, and don't blame anyone for deciding that being a step-parent isn't a role they are willing to take on.
He doesn't, but I'm even more strongly in favor of the tell-them-early strategy when there are kids involved.