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82822 - Pregnant Trek Ma

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 8:52 pm
by Rainbow_connection
When I was between one and three months pregnant, I was so sick and tired I wanted to die. There were two foods altogether that I could eat without vomiting (saltine crackers and macaroni and cheese) and the smell of most other foods also made me want to throw up. I would wake up, dry heave, drag myself to work, drag myself home, and lie on the couch while my husband made me macaroni and cheese. Then I'd go to bed at 9:00. I can't possibly imagine doing trek while I was in that shape. Obviously not everyone gets that sick, but anecdotally a lot do. I would strongly recommend backing out while they'll have sufficient time to find a replacement.

Re: 82822 - Pregnant Trek Ma

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 9:52 pm
by Concorde
Also anecdotal: I wasn't pregnant, but I got hideously sick while on trek and had pretty much the exact same symptoms as you, except for that I ended up in the hospital.

So yeah...moral of the story: pregnant or not, don't do trek.