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Bonus Misogyny

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 2:49 pm
by Integrating Editor
Why, exactly, is the last part of this sentence necessary?
Board Question #87336 wrote:I'm very prone to jealousy, overreaction, and generally being a little dramatic, but not really more than most girls.
I was shocked to see that none of the writers said anything about the blatant misogyny here. Really, most girls are "very prone to jealousy [and] overreaction"—presumably as opposed to the other half of the population? Sure, there are plenty of jealous people who overreact in the world, but it's not exactly a gendered trait.

I get that writers need to be careful about offending people and sometimes just need to answer the question, so I can understand why nothing got said. Still, we live in a world where people are far more likely to dismiss women's emotions as unimportant overreactions than men's, and comments like this just reinforce that behavior.

Re: Bonus Misogyny

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 2:54 pm
by Zedability
Yeah that part stuck out to me too, but I've frankly been exhausted all week and didn't have the energy to write a more detailed answer.

Reminds me of the related issue of guys telling girls "You're not like other girls." Like, great, I'd be thrilled to date a guy who apparently thinks that girls are generally full of negative qualities.