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87557, 87564, and 87562, just on the front page

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 3:03 pm
by TheBlackSheep
So obviously snark is one of the enduring, endearing characteristics of the Board, and obviously Board policies change over time. AND obviously this has been brought up multiple times as it kind of waxes and wanes.

But does it seem to anyone else like there are a LOT of "if you googled this you'd have an answer by now LINK" answers recently?

I don't mean this in a boardhateboard way. I like the Board and care about its integrity, and I like the writers. People ask the Board questions because they want the writers to answer them. I get that there was just a special Board event and that the writers are busy (I was a writer too) but this is kind of what the writers signed on for. Seven quality answers a week. I'm definitely guilty of having published little more than a link as an answer when I was writing (until the editors came down on it), but it seems like that habit is coming back really strong right now.

Re: 87557, 87564, and 87562, just on the front page

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 3:33 pm
by Craig Jessop
I agree. I get that it can be frustrating to get a bunch of questions that are only a Google search away, but the fact is these questions are the Board's bread and butter. Even a three sentence answer with a link at the end is better than the current trend. In an age when increasing the Board's readership is a big, expressed goal, referring an asker to google without so much as contextualizing the link is hardly the way to make a new reader want to come back for more.

Also, I've been both a busy student and a busy non-student. I can tell you which one is harder, and it's not the one where you can just decide to skip your responsibilities for the day if you don't feel like "adulting."

Re: 87557, 87564, and 87562, just on the front page

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 3:43 pm
by Zedability
A certain reader has done a variety of things that are upsetting the current writers,* basically, and it's coming out in snark. All the editors are on vacation and are planning on dealing with it when they have more time.

*which shall remain under wraps and behind the scenes

Re: 87557, 87564, and 87562, just on the front page

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 4:16 pm
by Craig Jessop
Please write an exposé when all is said and done, I happen to love drama.

And if you guys have a reason for what's been happening, I take it all back pending a resolution. I really do think that this group of writers can be considered a Golden Age (along with when the Claudios were on Board, among others).