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endometriosis and IUDs?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:07 am
by Portia

I feel like we have at least a couple of active posters who have used the Mirena.

(Hope the reader finds something that works soon!! Those symptoms sound horrible. :-( )

Re: endometriosis and IUDs?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 8:05 pm
by NerdGirl
I have probable endometriosis and just got my Mirena IUD out after about 3.5 years. I started to get a lot of random spotting after 3 years of only very light periods that lasted about a day so I got it out - I think in my case what happened was that I have a high BMI, so it just didn't last the full 5 years for me. I'm going to wait a few cycles and try an OCP again because my insurance won't pay for another IUD before 5 years. But while it was working, it worked very well.

Re: endometriosis and IUDs?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:41 pm
by Shrinky Dink
I posted a reply on the Board Comment Board
I have been on Mirena for a year and a half now. I am using it purely for birth control reasons.

My period background: Before Mirena and other BC's, I had regular periods lasting 4-7 days with a medium level of cramps mostly in my thighs. I was on the pill for a while for non-BC reasons and realized that a daily pill for BC was a bad idea for me since I forgot to take it many times. I started regular BC just before getting married, first the Depo Shot for a year, then switching to Mirena since I need long term, reliable BC for a little while longer. I didn't have periods on the Depo Shot and I haven't had a period on Mirena either.

Experience with Mirena: Insertion is very uncomfortable. I took the max dose of Excredin starting about 12 hours before insertion and I think that helped. Since you're already pretty uncomfortable, might as well get your pap smear done too. It was paid in full by my insurance, but otherwise, I believe it costs about $500, when you factor in how long you can leave it in, it is very affordable per month. I was uncomfortable for about a week after, more uncomfortable than my regular period cramping. Since I've had it in, I haven't had a period or any other potential problems. IUDs do have risk, they can migrate, puncture the uterine wall, cause infertility in some cases, and more. Everything has been fine with me and I plan on having my IUD removed in six months or so. If I remember, I might post about what that's like.