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Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 11:50 am
by NerdGirl

Oh barf. I feel so bad for the questioner. How annoying. Also, I feel like the people who plan to stand before their maker and say that the voted for Evan McMullin are going to be a bit surprised when their maker is like, "Cool story, bruh, but I don't care who you voted for, now tell me if you did any of the stuff I actually said to do like loving your neighbours and all of that."

Re: Vote-shaming

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 3:51 pm
by Zedability
Wait you mean American politics is not a salvic issue???? *head explodes* *worldview crumbles*

Re: Vote-shaming

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 10:08 am
by NovemberEast
I can relate. Also, someone got up at the pulpit and actually bore their testimony mentioning Evan McMullin. I got up and walked out. Inappropriate. So much inappropriate. Ugh.

I also saw mcmullinites on facebook proclaiming that the church letter (the one about encouraging members to participate in voting....the same one that goes out every election cycle) "clearly indicates that we should vote for mcmullin." Kill me.

Oh ya and our stake president kept posting mcmullin garbage all over his facebook wall. I can appreciate that it's a fine line when you're a church leader between what is coming from you as a person and you as a stake leader. But when you get stake members saying the stake president was endorsing mcmullin you've clearly gone too far. I had a few massive eye rolls and then unfollowed him. My only regret is not penning a strongly worded letter to him.

My sister said she felt "guilty" for not voting mcmullin. ARE these people SERIOUS!?!?!?!

I didn't experience this sanctimony on nearly the same level when romney was running, so it just blows my mind.

Also, can we take a moment to notice how uncanny the resemblance is between evan and the brain (pinky & the brain).

Re: Vote-shaming

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 1:08 pm
by Portia
NovemberEast wrote:Also, can we take a moment to notice how uncanny the resemblance is between evan and the brain (pinky & the brain).

Re: Vote-shaming

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 2:17 am
by NerdGirl
Someone called him Evan McMuffin once, and now I always think that's his name.

Re: Vote-shaming

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 3:48 pm
by yayfulness
I heard Egg McMuffin. That's how my wife and I have referred to him ever since.

I got ridiculously sick of hearing about him from his supporters before the election, but now that it's all over and he's still speaking out against Trump's worst tendencies I've gained a bit more appreciation. Not many conservatives (with a national platform, anyway) seem willing to do that.

Re: Vote-shaming

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:20 pm
by Portia
yayfulness wrote:I heard Egg McMuffin. That's how my wife and I have referred to him ever since.

I got ridiculously sick of hearing about him from his supporters before the election, but now that it's all over and he's still speaking out against Trump's worst tendencies I've gained a bit more appreciation. Not many conservatives (with a national platform, anyway) seem willing to do that.
Color me a skeptic, but I wonder ulterior motive, if any, he has.

Re: Vote-shaming

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:50 pm
by Shrinky Dink
Portia wrote:Color me a skeptic, but I wonder ulterior motive, if any, he has.
Shortly after the election, there was a short article that reported that McMullin had met with Orrin Hatch in Washington and Hatch was planning on having this be his last term as a US Senator given his age. If anything, McMullin now has a ton of name recognition if he decides to run for Hatch's spot.

Re: Vote-shaming

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:57 pm
by Portia
Shrinky Dink wrote:
Portia wrote:Color me a skeptic, but I wonder ulterior motive, if any, he has.
Shortly after the election, there was a short article that reported that McMullin had met with Orrin Hatch in Washington and Hatch was planning on having this be his last term as a US Senator given his age. If anything, McMullin now has a ton of name recognition if he decides to run for Hatch's spot.
Yeah, Violet had mentioned that on Facebook.

Still seems extremely weird to me. For a state with its share of "New World Order" skeptics (my father comes to mind), what's more part of the System than the CIA and Goldman Sachs? Is this a Tea Party backlash? Super confused.

Re: Vote-shaming

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:20 pm
by Violet
Portia wrote:
Shrinky Dink wrote:
Portia wrote:Color me a skeptic, but I wonder ulterior motive, if any, he has.
Shortly after the election, there was a short article that reported that McMullin had met with Orrin Hatch in Washington and Hatch was planning on having this be his last term as a US Senator given his age. If anything, McMullin now has a ton of name recognition if he decides to run for Hatch's spot.
Yeah, Violet had mentioned that on Facebook.

Still seems extremely weird to me. For a state with its share of "New World Order" skeptics (my father comes to mind), what's more part of the System than the CIA and Goldman Sachs? Is this a Tea Party backlash? Super confused.
I think a lot of people in this state have to buy into the system a bit more what with a very organized religion and such. Yes, you have your Eagle Forum types and your more moderate republicans (which, I'm realizing more and more, my parents really are). Utah's "tea party" moment started in 2008 with Chaffetz ousting Cannon at the convention. After my time in Texas, I've come to realize, while Utah is very reliably red, it's not necessarily an extremist red.

Sometimes that's hard for me to recognize when the Utah GOP is suing the state for a bipartisan bill passed about routes to nomination, but at the same time, it was the GOP legislators that passed the bill. Basically, there are a range of people. The middle 50% in Utah is just still conservative, and the caucus/convention system Utah has had has lent itself well to allowing extreme end of the spectrum influence. It also means that anyone moderate suddenly feels like a leftist.

Anyway, that's my political soapbox for now.

Re: Vote-shaming

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:15 pm
by Portia
Violet wrote:I think a lot of people in this state have to buy into the system a bit more what with a very organized religion and such. Yes, you have your Eagle Forum types and your more moderate republicans (which, I'm realizing more and more, my parents really are). Utah's "tea party" moment started in 2008 with Chaffetz ousting Cannon at the convention. After my time in Texas, I've come to realize, while Utah is very reliably red, it's not necessarily an extremist red.

Sometimes that's hard for me to recognize when the Utah GOP is suing the state for a bipartisan bill passed about routes to nomination, but at the same time, it was the GOP legislators that passed the bill. Basically, there are a range of people. The middle 50% in Utah is just still conservative, and the caucus/convention system Utah has had has lent itself well to allowing extreme end of the spectrum influence. It also means that anyone moderate suddenly feels like a leftist.

Anyway, that's my political soapbox for now.
Good analysis. Also I think that since you grew up in Utah County, you probably have a better pulse on what I would think of as the "typical Utah voter." My youth as the child of libertarians among the multiethnic multireligious one-percenters means that, if anything, going to BYU was culture shock. I think it's true that the New Global Elite are more like each other than they are like other people in their states or religion or whatever.

I think being a decent leftist here is hard, too, because the structural situation of one party is limited to like cocktail parties in Summit County - no one cars about actually competing and winning it seems. -_-