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#47579 Sarah Palin

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:06 am
by vorpal blade
Dear Hobbes,

"~Hobbes is almost positive he'll get flamed for this one."

That's sad, really sad. From me you get only praise. Right on! Thanks for saying it!

Board Reader

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:47 am
by A Mom, but not yours

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 2:03 pm
by Nanti-SARRMM
Wow... I surprisingly was matched with McCain.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 2:13 pm
by vorpal blade
Not surprisingly 12 out of 13 of my choices went to McCain.

Just remember, it isn't all about what they say. One thing I learned from playing Mafia is that you really have to pay attention to what people do or how they vote. That is a lot more important than what they say.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 2:15 pm
by Darth Fedora
I agreed with Portia on this one.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 4:54 pm
by Giovanni Schwartz
s eight McCain and five Obama. Is McCain capatalized like that? Or is it Mccain?

Edit: Mine was eight McCain and five Obama. Is McCain capatalized like that? Or is it Mccain?

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 5:49 pm
by Unit of Energy
I'm pretty sure it's McCain. Mc is a common prefix meaning son. It's either Irish or Scottish, and Mac is the prefix meaning son in the other nationality. And in order to keep this topical, I got 4 Obama, 9 McCain.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 5:54 pm
by Giovanni Schwartz
So... If we want to go biblical, seeing as Obama is a Christian and all (ha... I'll keep my political opinions to myself, seeing as I won't be 18 by the election), does that mean that McCain is a descendant of Cain, the evil son of Adam and Eve in the Bible that slayed his brother in cold blood? :D

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 6:14 pm
by Unit of Energy
I don't actually know where McCain's family got their family name from. But based on my general knowledge of all things name related, yes.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:39 pm
by xkcd ***
Presidential candidate, Barack Obama was visiting a primary school and he visited one of the classes. They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asked the presidential candidate if he would like to lead the discussion on the word 'tragedy'.? So our illustrious democrat presidential candidate asked the class for an example of a 'tragedy'. One little boy stood up and offered: 'If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playing in the field and a tractor runs over him and kills him, that would be a tragedy.' 'No,' said Obama, 'that would be an accident.' A little girl raised her hand: 'If a school bus carrying 50 children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy.' 'I'm afraid not,' explained Obama. 'That's what we would call great loss.' The room went silent. No other children volunteered. Obama searched the room. 'Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?' Finally at the back of the room, Little Johnny raised his hand. In a quiet voice he said: 'If the plane carrying you and Mrs. Obama was struck by a 'friendly fire' missile and blown to smithereens that would be a tragedy.' 'Fantastic!' exclaimed Obama. 'That's right. And can you tell me why that would be tragedy?' 'Well,' says little Johnny, 'It has to be a tragedy, because it certainly wouldn't be a great loss... and it probably wouldn't be a accident either.'

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:51 pm
by Giovanni Schwartz
I thought about replying something about how that was prejudiced, but then I decided it was too funny.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:42 am
by 361
Giovanni Schwartz wrote:I thought about replying something about how that was prejudiced, but then I decided it was too funny.
Evidently someone was selling Barack Obama Gorilla dolls here in SLC.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 6:28 am
by Imogen
361 wrote:
Giovanni Schwartz wrote:I thought about replying something about how that was prejudiced, but then I decided it was too funny.
Evidently someone was selling Barack Obama Gorilla dolls here in SLC.
ah racism. glad to know you're still alive and well in this country.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:34 pm
by vorpal blade
Imogen wrote:
361 wrote:
Giovanni Schwartz wrote:I thought about replying something about how that was prejudiced, but then I decided it was too funny.
Evidently someone was selling Barack Obama Gorilla dolls here in SLC.
ah racism. glad to know you're still alive and well in this country.
Are you being sarcastic, or is this your true feelings?

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:39 pm
by vorpal blade
Darth Fedora wrote:I agreed with Portia on this one.
That’s too bad, Darth.

Last night I had an interesting discussion with my wife about Sarah Palin. I told her that someone had asked the 100 Hour Board what they thought about Sarah Palin.

“What did the 100 Hour Board say?” she asked.

“Well, one writer was in support of Sarah Palin, and two were not.” [Checking today I see that there were actually three who were not. My mistake.]

Her eyes got wide. “Why would a BYU student not support Sarah Palin?”

“I don’t remember what one of the negative ones said, but as I recall Portia found certain things Sarah Palin believed were incompatible with Portia’s personal beliefs.”

“Like what, for heavens sake?”

“According to Portia, Sarah Palin believes that abortion should not be legal even in the case of rape, and that goes against the teachings of the LDS church. Furthermore that women in Wasilla had to pay for rape kits, and that Sarah Palin thought invading Russia is a great idea.” [In point of fact Portia said: “I find her stances on abortion (she does not believe it should be legal even in cases of rape--a position I do not find to be compatible with the teachings of the LDS church for starters; also, women in Wasilla had to pay for rape kits), war (yeah, I'm sure invading Russia is a great idea), and the economy (and she contradicts herself in the course of one paragraph!) to be incompatible with my personal beliefs.”]

“Where do they get this garbage from?” she asked me.

“Well, Portia did give some sources, like opinions in liberal newspapers such as the San Francisco Chronicle, and the Huffington Report.”

“The Huffington Post? Doesn’t she know that sources like that are totally unreliable? You can’t believe anything they say. They misrepresent the truth. They are disingenuous, to say the least. They are horribly biased, and unreliable. Isn’t there some way you can write a rebuttal?”

“Well, I could write a comment, which may or may not get published. And I could write a response in the discussion board, but I’m not sure how many people would see that.”

“I think you should write a letter to BYU asking that Portia be fired. If this is the quality of her answers…. If this is the kind of sources she uses…. I believe in reading both sides of the issue, but then you should give an unbiased report.”

“Well, you know, they aren’t exactly hired by BYU….”

“Yes, I know, but they represent BYU.”

“They state that they don’t represent BYU….”

“Yes, but they do!”

“It sounds to me that Sarah Palin’s views on abortion are the same as those of Spencer W. Kimball,” my wife went on a few minutes later. “Sure, President Kimball made allowances for abortion in cases of rape, but you can tell by the way he counseled us that he opposed it even then. ‘Wouldn’t it be better to give that baby a life?’ he asked.”

“That does sound like Sarah Palin’s view,” I said. “She was asked that if her daughter was raped would she make an exception to abortion. Sarah Palin replied that she ‘would choose life.’ She made it clear that if Roe vs. Wade were overthrown that it would be up to the people in her state to decide on the law. But her personal belief was like that of Spencer W. Kimball.”

“And that thing about the women paying for the rape kits is just a media lie,” my wife went on. “The truth is that it was the rapists who had to pay for the tests, not the victims.”

“Really? I hadn’t heard that.”

“Oh yes. I’ve heard that from a number of sources. The truth has just been twisted and distorted in some reports.”

“And what’s this about Palin thinking invading Russia is a great idea?” my wife quizzed me. “That sounds ridiculous.”

“Well, according to the source Portia gave, Palin said that she favors making Georgia a NATO country. When asked if that didn’t mean the United States might have to go to war with Russia then Palin responded with “perhaps so.” Palin said that when you have a NATO ally, and another country attacks that ally, then you can expect to be called upon to help.”

“Of course!” my wife exclaimed. “How else can you answer that question? ‘Ah, go ahead Russia and attack our NATO allies, because we aren’t going to do anything about it?’”

Well, the conversation went on for some time more, until my wife said, “I’m really, really upset by this.” And I could tell she was. Her hands were shaking, and there were tears in her eyes. My wife hardly ever cries.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:48 pm
by Sharona Fleming
Yep. All of mine went to McCain. What a surprise. Or not.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 2:00 pm
by Imogen
dear vorpal,

sarah palin did not make rapists pay for rape kits. rape kits can't be paid for by someone you haven't found yet. since they had to be paid for immediately after they were taken, do you really think the RAPIST would be around to pay? just sitting in the ER waiting to lay down his credit card for a rape kit that could incriminate him?

if you have such a problem with portia having views different from you and your (alleged) wife, that's too bad. but that doesn't mean she shouldn't represent byu. she's intelligent and always has well thought out responses full of logic. even when i disagree with her, i still respect what she says because she's obviously thought about her opinions.

so, please, for the sake of all humanity, SUCK IT!

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 4:06 pm
by vorpal blade
Imogen wrote:dear vorpal,

sarah palin did not make rapists pay for rape kits. rape kits can't be paid for by someone you haven't found yet. since they had to be paid for immediately after they were taken, do you really think the RAPIST would be around to pay? just sitting in the ER waiting to lay down his credit card for a rape kit that could incriminate him?
I'm amused by the way you picture this happening. What gave you the idea that it had to be paid for immediately? And shouldn't the rapist ultimately be the one who pays?
Imogen wrote:if you have such a problem with portia having views different from you and your (alleged) wife, that's too bad. but that doesn't mean she shouldn't represent byu. she's intelligent and always has well thought out responses full of logic. even when i disagree with her, i still respect what she says because she's obviously thought about her opinions.
You've misread what I've written. I never said that I had a problem with Portia having views different from me or my wife. I never said that my wife had a problem. My wife enjoys reading different points of view, from all sides of the issue. What she does have a problem with is a BYU student who shows poor scholarship by using really unreliable sources to buttress her views.

As for your comment about well thought out responses full of are entitled to give your point of view.
Imogen wrote:so, please, for the sake of all humanity, SUCK IT!

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 4:16 pm
by Nanti-SARRMM
vorpal blade wrote: What she does have a problem with is a BYU student who shows poor scholarship by using really unreliable sources to buttress her views.
So she has so great a problem with one BYU student who may or may not have done adequate research to start having her hands shake and start crying?

Also, Sarah Palin didn't make the rapist pay, she made the victim pay for the rape kits. Or at least it was going on while she was governor.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 4:38 pm
by Cognoscente
Though I may disagree with what you have to say, I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

...Just kidding! I'm writing a letter to get you fired, instead!

:roll: Get a life.