67390 - Once Upon a Time

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67390 - Once Upon a Time

Post by wired »


Alright, so the question isn't really about Once Upon a Time, but since it came up, I decided to start a thread on it. My wife and I have been watching this the entire the season and we absolutely love it. I completely admit it's a bit cheesy at points, but even the cheesy parts are executed incredibly well. The story is addicting and despite any cheese, it really is all about the characters.

Azriel, if you read here, watch it. Watch it now. (It's on Hulu Plus... get a free trial with a student email address.)

Anyone else watching?
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Re: 67390 - Once Upon a Time

Post by Dead Cat »

Oh yes. Oh very very yes. The whole thing with the stranger last week got me screaming into the ether. Actually, that seems to happen with every episode, to be honest.
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Re: 67390 - Once Upon a Time

Post by Carrapicho »

I watch it! I catch it either online at abc.com or On Demand--as long as I watch it within a few weeks of the original air date (before they take it down), it's free. Of course, I usually watch it sometime the week after it aired, depending on my work load.

I do wonder how long they'll be able to keep it up, though--I mean, if the whole shtick is that nobody remembers who they really are and Emma trying to save everyone and stop Regina, then will they just have to keep bringing it SO CLOSE to the brink and then throwing in something to stop it? That's what they've done so far, but I have to admit, it may get tiring and a little dissatisfying. For example, I was SO mad when they killed off the Huntsman as soon as he remembered who he was. If they do something like that again...oooh.
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Re: 67390 - Once Upon a Time

Post by wired »

Carrapicho, I'm guessing season finale is everybody remembers or at least some key players do. I am thinking that the series will take a dramatic shift going into next season. Lost did this to start Season 3, 5, and 6 and it worked fairly well. I'm hoping the series goes three seasons with a tight plan from beginning to end.
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