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Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:17 am
by bobtheenchantedone
All of these spambots are 24 years old.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:07 am
by Katya
I recently had a very odd FB friend request from someone in Divine Comedy who I'm pretty sure I don't know in the slightest.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:29 pm
by Emiliana
In the past 24 hours, I have learned two things that have resulted in significant paradigm shifts. One is that a friend of mine has Asperger's syndrome. The other is that the majority of Episcopal churches in Fort Worth are no longer officially associated with the American Episcopal Church. I feel much more confident in the potential of life to contain some sort of meaning and order than I did at this time last night.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:11 pm
by Whistler
I tried to french braid my own hair. My arms hurt and it doesn't even look good. :-(.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:09 pm
by Unit of Energy
A certain company has won my loyalty forever today. Not only did they price match at a price half of what they were charging, they added the discounts and offers on the lower price.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:18 am
by Dragon Lady
I just helped Yellow answer a bunch of Board questions tonight (staying up way too late, too). I think together we answered somewhere around 20 questions tonight. I have no clue how many of those are his and how many are mine. (If you care, his are the ones signed Yellow and mine are the ones signed Yellow and Dragon Lady or just Dragon Lady, depending on whether it was something specific to me or not.) But I know it was enough to make me feel super cool again.

But I doubt I'll decide to be the next alumni to be a Board writer. But you never know. But I highly doubt it.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:03 am
by Dead Cat
It gave me great pleasure to see you signing your name on answers again, DL. You should do it more often ;)

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:26 am
by Dragon Lady
It happens periodically when someone sends me a question to answer. Last night because they were behind so Yellow was staying up answering questions (esp. since we're going to be gone all next week) so I asked if I could help because I was bored just sitting around playing Dice Wars. (I suppose I probably should have caught up on my blog. Alas.)

I mean, life right now would probably be good and easy to write more where I have extra help with Dragon Baby, but that's only going to last a few more months, then I'll be busy with unpacking and furnishing a home and hopefully starting a garden and then a new baby and learning to be a mom of two. And I don't think the Board would fit in as easily then. So it'd be silly to apply for 3ish months. I wonder if they have the opposite of a hiatus… instead of taking a few months off, just coming back for a few months… hahaha.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:15 am
by Katya
Wasn't Yellow (or someone) talking once about having alumni writers come back for Homecoming Week? That would be fun.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:16 am
by Katya
Also, I love dice wars.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:05 pm
by Whistler
yeah, that would be cool. I... don't think I could go back in good faith, knowing that I'm probably graduating in Dec., but I'd be happy to help with slight overflow times.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:30 pm
by Defy V
My husband and I were gone for a week, and when we came back we found one of our cucumbers from our garden was about 2 feet long. We'll see how it actually tastes.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:00 pm
by Yellow
Katya wrote:Wasn't Yellow (or someone) talking once about having alumni writers come back for Homecoming Week? That would be fun.
Yeah, I talked about it as an idea. But nothing concrete is planned right now.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:55 pm
by Marduk
Defy V wrote:My husband and I were gone for a week, and when we came back we found one of our cucumbers from our garden was about 2 feet long. We'll see how it actually tastes.
The bigger they are, the worse they are. You want to pick them before they get this big; it will likely be very tough and wooden.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:37 pm
by Defy V
Marduk wrote:
Defy V wrote:My husband and I were gone for a week, and when we came back we found one of our cucumbers from our garden was about 2 feet long. We'll see how it actually tastes.
The bigger they are, the worse they are. You want to pick them before they get this big; it will likely be very tough and wooden.
I was pleasantly surprised by how it actually tasted. Not too tough or wooden with enough dressing on it. I definitely prefer them about 1/4 of that size, but since we weren't around to pick it I guess it all ended up okay. (And from the sounds of it, the neighbors charged with taking care of our garden hate cucumbers so they wouldn't have enjoyed it regardless of the size.)

Unfortunately, the lettuce is a different story entirely . . .

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:11 pm
by C is for
Guys, I got rejected yesterday, and this has never happened to me before. I'm mostly embarrassed but also hurt.

Also, August is like half over.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:49 pm
by Whistler
Rejection always burns. :-( Well, we accept you, even if we can't fulfill your romantic needs.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:41 pm
by Digit
Today I was just browsing at the local Borders before it finally closes and saw a LEGO set for Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater going for $129.99. That's more than I could ever justify spending for a box no larger than two large cook books' worth of little plastic blocks good mainly for looking at on the mantle after you're done building it.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:05 am
by Portia
So, I went on a Church-sponsored hike today, and spent the majority of the time with two eighteen-year-old dudes. One of them is smart, attractive, and possesses all the social graces. The other was just a walking bundle o' awkward. Though tall and slim, with the possibility of being good-looking once the acne clears up, the kid had pretty much everything weird going on: unmodulated voice, intrusive non-sequiturs, an obsession with (the admittedly great) state of Oregon, loudly stomping, odd complaints, the tendency to butt in to a conversation between two people who were happy to talk without him . . . at one of the random, unrelated outbursts ("there's a skeleton at the bottom of Puget Sound!") I was literally doubled over in laughter. One of the strangest ducks I've ever met. It speaks to guy #1's good graces that he was pretty nonchalant about the whole thing, though we shared a raised eyebrow or two. Smart, normal guy is going to BYU, by the way: unmodulated boy to the U. ;)

Yeah, I'm glad I'm not 18 again. What are these unmarriageable dudes even doing in the marriage factory that is a Sandy YSA ward? :P

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:07 pm
by Wisteria
I have a whole evening to do whatever I want! This is unfortunately rare any more. Oh, the glee . . .