#57789 Cool Secret Skill

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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by krebscout »

Oh, are these supposed to be AMAZING COOL VIRTUOSIC talents? Because mine aren't. Mine are "better than most people...or maybe just some people" talents.

I think most of us here are pretty average, 42. And we're all still awesome.
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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by bobtheenchantedone »

I am pretty good at picking up the gist of a song after a listen or two, and I'm so good a memorizing music that I almost never practiced for my choir classes in high school. I also have the annoying talent of coming up with a song for almost every line of conversation, and often singing it. I'm very good at improv filking.

Those things, due to what they are, are only secret until someone has hung out with me a couple of times. Except for the being-so-good-at-memorizing-I-rarely-practiced talent. I kept that a secret. : )
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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by Dead Cat »

I have Marzipan's secret skill. I can find notes just by recalling starting pitches that I've worked with before a lot. It gets annoying when someone speeds up a song in a video just enough to change the key, but not enough for everyone else to notice it's been tampered with.
I also have some of the other writers' memorization quirks, but probably not to the extent that they do.
I also have mad dancing skills.
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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by Dead Cat »

I just remembered a weird one my mom has. She has an invisible sign on her forehead that says "Tell me your problems." For some strange reason, all sorts of people will tell her things that they've "never told anyone" and "don't know why I'm telling you this." It has happened within minutes of them meeting.
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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by stargirl »

CK's first "talent" is the first one i always say! And he's only the… second? person i've ever met other than myself who can do that! :)

Reading all your guys' answers has made me realize a few in myself that i didn't know i had. Sweeeeeeeet.
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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by NerdGirl »

Dead Cat wrote:I just remembered a weird one my mom has. She has an invisible sign on her forehead that says "Tell me your problems." For some strange reason, all sorts of people will tell her things that they've "never told anyone" and "don't know why I'm telling you this." It has happened within minutes of them meeting.
I actually have that "skill" too! Random people come up to me all over the place and start telling me deeply personal things.
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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by vorpal blade »

Darth Fedora wrote:I can fall asleep ANYWHERE. Anytime. It is so awesome because when I'm bored, I can just turn off.
I can fall asleep anywhere, as long as its during a meeting. Which reminds me of the joke about how to get babies to sleep through Sacrament meeting. Anyway, I wish I could just as easily fall asleep in airplanes.

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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by FauxRaiden »

I was thinking about this question wondering what my "secret" skill is. I honestly don't really know, I think I'd have to have someone tell me.

A few of the things I can think of off hand that are generally better than average are: an impeccable ability to pick up virtually any video game and just be good at it (not sure if I should be proud of this); a knack for arguing but that's not a secret, I just like playing devil's advocate (maybe debating is a better word). And...I have an oddly efficient memory for remembering worthless bits of trivia. I have a terrible memory when it comes to important things like tests but I'll be darned if I can't remember the speed of light in mp/s (186,000).
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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by Dragon Lady »

vorpal blade wrote:I can fall asleep anywhere, as long as its during a meeting. Which reminds me of the joke about how to get babies to sleep through Sacrament meeting.
What joke is that?
vorpal blade wrote:My cool secret skill is....I can keep a secret.
You're now doomed to be a bishop. If you're lucky, maybe it'll be a ward that meets in an airplane.
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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by vorpal blade »

You make me laugh, Dragon Lady.

The joke is that the way to get babies to sleep in Sacrament meeting is to ordain them to be High Priests. (I hope I'm not too sacrilegious saying that.)

The other option is to call the babies to be on the High Council. Then no one will pay any attention to them.
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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by NerdGirl »

We had a Canada-wide stake conference broadcast from somewhere in BC last Sunday, and some guy sitting on the stand just to the left of the pulpit spent the whole 2 hours sleeping, complete with head-bobbing and open-mouth drooling. I hope he doesn't ever see a tape of that.
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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by vorpal blade »

I'm envious of all of you who have remarkable memorization skills. I struggle with that, and as I get older it gets harder to remember things.

Which might be an even better skill for being a bishop that being able to keep a secret. I had a bishop at BYU who told the members of his ward that he could never remember what his ward members confessed to him after they left his office. He would see them around campus and would wonder, "I know that person came to me about some problem, but I have no idea what it is." That bishop was inundated with ward members wanting to confide in him. :roll:
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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by Dragon Lady »

Heh. Vorpal, I think those might actually work. My uncle keeps telling us that he practiced for years to be able to sleep like a High Priest in church. Once he got it down, then they ordained him as one. (So if you're sacrilegious, you're not alone.)
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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by Gimgimno »

C is for wrote:link

Gimgimno, I have practiced TypeRacer and, while accepting the fact I might lose, am prepared to meet you on the racecourse.
I forgot about this! It is on whenever you want to play. (:
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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by C is for »

Okay, well, we'll have to put a rain check on it for at least a week. Maybe a few days. At the moment I have an IV in my hand which makes typing difficult and painful and would give you a totally unfair advantage.

Being in the hospital has reminded me of another one of my cool secret skills: I'm pretty good at throwing up. I tend to block that one from my mind...
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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by ahem. »

I am terrible at throwing up. I hardly ever do it. Unfortunately, that makes me think I don't do it ever. Which leads to unpleasantness when I do.

The most recent time I can recall doing it was when I was in high school. I was feeling queasy all morning and toyed with the idea of heading to the nurse, but it just seemed such an inconvenience. Plus, I had a math test 5th period and it would be a total pain to have to make it up. By 4th period, I knew I was in trouble, but we had a guest speaker and it just seemed rude to interrupt. And then it was 5th period and I figured I might as well take the test. I took one step into the classroom and lost it.


Also, I'm sorry you are throwing up. That must totally suck.
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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by Giovanni Schwartz »

I've barfed once in the last... 15 years. And that was last Sunday. Approximately half an hour before church (and therefore my farewell talk) began.
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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by thebigcheese »

15 years? I'm a barfing machine compared to you!
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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by Sky Bones »

Would the last time you threw up before this past week have anything to do with a trip to Disneyland, Gio?

And don't look at me-- blame your brother. :D
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Re: #57789 Cool Secret Skill

Post by bobtheenchantedone »

I usually get the barfing blues once a year, around Christmas.

Last year I just had Superflu instead.
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