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Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:11 pm
by Portia
More power AND chocolate is always better. Truth.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:03 pm
by Portia
Just went to what amounted to a 90-minute Prescriptivist Boot Camp. Had Katya been there, I'm pretty sure she would have had to dig her pen a good 2 inches into her forearm to quell the rage.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:52 pm
by Katya
Portia wrote:Just went to what amounted to a 90-minute Prescriptivist Boot Camp. Had Katya been there, I'm pretty sure she would have had to dig her pen a good 2 inches into her forearm to quell the rage.
Ha! Yeah, I could never have been an ELang major because I don't think I could survive the English usage class.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:31 am
by Giovanni Schwartz
I was reading a news article about a Chinese guy who built a mountain on top of a skyscraper (Or something like that) and the po-po want him to tear it down because he didn't have the proper permits.

Anyway, the part I wanted to share was as follows:
Urban-management officials in the Haitian district of Beijing said on Tuesday that authorities would tear down the two-storey structure in 15 days unless the owner does so himself or presents evidence that it was legally built.
I was like "Why is there a Haitian district in Beijing? I didn't think there would be that many people from the Caribbean in China. I certainly never saw them in Taiwan."

And then I realized that it was a transliteration, and should be two words: Hai Tian. Which makes more sense.

Haitians in China... seriously.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:20 pm
by UffishThought
Update: the magic mouthwash worked wonders for me. There was only enough for a few days, and it ran out before the cankers left completely, but they kept disappearing, even then. Inside of a week, I went from lower lip completely covered in sores, upper lip 3/4 covered, about an inch square covering the tip of my tongue and two bigger ones further back, spreading sores on my gums and residual sores on both cheeks; to one little healing bump about a millimeter square on my lower lip and one little canker on the very very tip of my tongue that's smaller then a lentil. I also have some odd smooth spots--no cankers, but no taste buds yet either--where cankers used to be on my tongue, which is throwing off my sense of taste, just a little. But I think the taste buds are coming back.

The healing process has been remarkably fast, and if it's the placebo effect, color me even more shocked. I was expecting 2 weeks to a month more pain, based on past experience, and was appreciably better inside of two days, almost completely gone in a week. Count me among the believers!

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:15 pm
by Katya

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:17 pm
by Katya
Giovanni Schwartz wrote:I was like "Why is there a Haitian district in Beijing? I didn't think there would be that many people from the Caribbean in China. I certainly never saw them in Taiwan."

And then I realized that it was a transliteration, and should be two words: Hai Tian. Which makes more sense.

Haitians in China... seriously.
This is awesome. Now I'm going to go around thinking "Haitian . . . Hai Tian . . . Haitian . . . Hai Tian."

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:31 pm
by Whistler
Uffish - Medicine actually works sometimes? Yay!

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:00 pm
by Rifka
From an acquaintance's facebook post:
Made homemade Taco bowels in the Crockpot for dinner.
And people wonder why I'm such a spelling and grammar nazi? :x

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:02 pm
by mic0
I have a hard time just relaxing and letting things be unknown. So, I applied for some jobs on craigslist (I just... like applying for jobs), and have an interview next week. It would be an interesting job, but I'm also more or less decided that I will try to graduate this semester. Hah, well, it's not like a job interview guarantees a job (not by a long shot).

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:14 pm
by Portia
Headers in Microsoft products (Word, PowerPoint) actually help you if you have the Navigation plane.

Also, CTRL-Shift-F in Adobe PDFs (context search) saved my life.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:18 pm
by Whistler
anyone want to write literary criticism of SF/Fantasy and submit it to LTUE with me?

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:18 pm
by mic0
With you? Do you have an idea in mind? I could be interested. :)

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:31 pm
by Whistler
Hmmm! If it were with you I would want to do some kind of linguisticy paper. Have you read The Cloud Atlas (the same one that got made into a movie recently)? I'm still so impressed with how the author's style changed with each part of that book. I wonder if it would hold up to the "were these different authors" linguistic scrutiny?

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:30 pm
by mic0
Whistler wrote:Hmmm! If it were with you I would want to do some kind of linguisticy paper. Have you read The Cloud Atlas (the same one that got made into a movie recently)? I'm still so impressed with how the author's style changed with each part of that book. I wonder if it would hold up to the "were these different authors" linguistic scrutiny?
I haven't read it, but I do like a good linguistic-y author identification task.

ETA: It might also be interesting to look at feminist themes in books by LDS authors (I just finished the Mistborn series last month so this is still on my mind :P).

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:42 am
by Marduk
It is really surprising to me how much I can loathe doing 15 minutes worth of paperwork.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:28 am
by Laser Jock
mic0 wrote:ETA: It might also be interesting to look at feminist themes in books by LDS authors (I just finished the Mistborn series last month so this is still on my mind :P).
Whether or not you write a paper on it, I'd be curious about your thoughts of feministic themes regarding Mistborn (or other books by LDS authors).

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:28 pm
by C is for
I've noticed lately that my unwillingness to commit also extends to being unwilling to commit to saying "No"

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:32 pm
by Whistler
mic0 wrote:
Whistler wrote:Hmmm! If it were with you I would want to do some kind of linguisticy paper. Have you read The Cloud Atlas (the same one that got made into a movie recently)? I'm still so impressed with how the author's style changed with each part of that book. I wonder if it would hold up to the "were these different authors" linguistic scrutiny?
I haven't read it, but I do like a good linguistic-y author identification task.

ETA: It might also be interesting to look at feminist themes in books by LDS authors (I just finished the Mistborn series last month so this is still on my mind :P).
Hmm! I've only read the first of that series, but I can see a feminist reading being pretty interesting.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:06 pm
by Portia
The e-book art for Mistborn and Ender's Game is so much better than the cheesy physical editions'. Same guy that designed The Black Count's cover.