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Re: Charity

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:20 pm
by UnluckyStuntman
Marduk wrote:
UnluckyStuntman wrote:hey, I'm workin' on it okay! maybe i'll even crash one of these mythical reader parties that i hear so much about...
For you, I'd arrange it specifically. I've been told I need to cook some Mexican food for the parties, so that's probably what will happen for the next party.
I'm both very flattered and so there. I super love Mexican food.

Re: Charity

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:37 pm
by Wisteria
Has anyone who frequents this board done much work with international nonprofits? I suppose Emaliana fits that description . . . I am in the beginning stages of working with a Kenyan woman (in Kenya) on setting up a nonprofit of sorts based out of Nairobi- and there's so much I don't know about all the legalities and formalities . . .

Re: Charity

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:34 am
by Emiliana
Oh, what are you planning to do? Nairobi is a huge city with *so* many needs.

I don't do much with the bureaucratic end of things, but I do work for a nonprofit in East Africa. The best advice I can give, though, is this: It's not *what* you know, it's *who* you know. Networking is critical. If you're trying to get get something official done, you're much more likely to succeed if you're on a first-name basis with someone in the office. (A few weeks ago our power was off for three or four days. We called the local office half a dozen times, called the head office in the capital, walked to the local office to complain ... No success. Until one of my housemates talked to one of her coworkers who has a friend who's a technician who came out and fixed it.) That said, I don't know specifics of what you'll need to do, but I know people working for NGOs in Nairobi who might be able to help you figure it out. Message me with some more details about what you're doing and I'll see if I can put you in contact with someone who might be useful.