Dating multiple girls (62580)

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Re: Dating multiple girls (62580)

Post by Marduk »

You guys got it all wrong. I'm Mexican, so you're gringos.
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Craig Jessop
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Re: Dating multiple girls (62580)

Post by Craig Jessop »

Marduk wrote:You guys got it all wrong. I'm Mexican, so you're gringos.
Um, some of use have Latino blood, thank you.
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Re: Dating multiple girls (62580)

Post by Imogen »

i am not a gringo, thank you.
beautiful, dirty, rich
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Re: Dating multiple girls (62580)

Post by Dead Cat »

Craig Jessop wrote:
Marduk wrote:You guys got it all wrong. I'm Mexican, so you're gringos.
Um, some of use have Latino blood, thank you.
You have a use of Latino blood? What is it?
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Re: Dating multiple girls (62580)

Post by Portia »

feminine b.s.
a short play
So let me help you remember
I've made charts and graphs that should finally make it clear
I've prepared a lecture on why I have to leave

The scene: Benjamin Nephi Gunderson is simultaneously listening to the Postal Service and talking to his mom on his non-smart phone. Life after, say, 2004, has not treated him well, clearly.

BNG: "Yeah, yeah, oKAY mooom, I'll send you the study abroad paperwork as soon as I can. Yeah, love you too ... ummm, like I said, on a date." [Hangs up]

Sexy Latin-blooded French BYU Girl: "Hokay, hahm, we are going to a restaurant, are we not?"

BNG: "Yes, Sammy's, after ComedySportz. You know, I don't get down to Center Street very much. not very economical to leave the 2-mile radius, hmm?

SLbFBG: "... I, ah, ran a maratone zhust last week. That eez about twenty and six miles, non?

BNG: Oui.

At Sammy's. FBG is a bit freaked out by the pie shake, and the hamburger which is larger than her hand.


FBG: Loll?

BNG: That tune, where they went, like, "yeahhhh! Chewbacca" was sooo funny. [Sings, badly.]

FBG: So, when hahr yew goink to kiss me, hein?

BNG: Um, kiss? That's against the honor c-

FBG: Honh honh, eef I were in any courtyard in Paris, I'd have inebriated French boys, ahowdoyousay, calling cat to me!

BNG: Well, I suppose that's because you're not part of white American culture.

FBG: I am white, you stoop-eed fat American who hahz no 'air! Goodbai!

[She runs home. It's not far.]

Scene II, the next afternoon

That Cute Black Girl That's In Your Institute Class, Yeah, That One: Is there a reason we're listening to Michael Jackson?

Benjamin: Oh, to make you feel . . . at home?

TCBGTIYICYTO: Ooookay. I'm not actually 42, if you were under the impression-

BNG: Ha. Ha. Ha. So, who's up for Catan and a screening of South Pacific?

TCBG: [mutters] He IS really white, and I consider myself pretty open-minded...
There is nothing like a dame!
Nothin' in the world!
There is nothing you can name that is anything like a dame!
BNG: Dames, amiright?

TCBG: [dominates hexagon placing to control wheat production] Yeah, we women are so crazy. And when it's "that time of month!"

BNG: Wait, are you going to go all "feminine b.s." on my ass?

TCBG: Do you even go to BYU?

BNG: Let me guess, your sister's on welfare, and it's my tax dollars paying for it! That Obama.

TCBG: My sister is married to a Korean doctor, actually, and she's studying math. And I voted for Obama, thanks, you can do that and be Mormon.

BNG: [Smugly] You're not even my "main girl."

TCBG: Aha. How riveting. "Peace, bro." [Accompanied by air quotes]

Scene III
Later that night.

The Main Girl: Hiiiiiiii Ben!

BNG: Ghtlryuivr.

TMG: We missed you at choiiiir practice!

BNG: Shmor.

TMG: I just LOVE Men's Chorus. And I just LOVE LOVE LOVE Olive Garden.

BNG: Bsness. Bsness Major!

[At the concert]

TMG: Sooo, what did you think of CONFerence?

BNG: Great, jstgrt-

TMG: I hope you listened to the prophet's counsel. You need to get married, you know! What about that Jessalyn, such a sweet spirit.

BNG: Actually, i -glrp- hoping

TMG: You're not one of them's that own a pornograph, are you--wink, wink!

BNG goes for the kiss: with tongue. TMG bursts into tears and runs away.

Scene IV - Sunday Munch, Mingle, and Mate

Alyssa Ruth Gunderson: Wow, creative dating idea, Ben, you've brought me as your date? Heh.

BNG: Gross. Shut up.

ARG: If you wanted to date that girl, this is what you should have done. Taken to her a concert, maybe dinner, ONLY focus on her, be cool, wear something that isn't a shirt that dad would wear to play tennis, quote Mr. Darcy, kiss her softly after you've brushed her arm at the doorstep, get her a 1 (not 2, that's just tacky) princess-cut diamond, compliment how she smells, don't talk about your mission but show you're a good priesthood holder,

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Re: Dating multiple girls (62580)

Post by NerdGirl »

That was awesome.
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