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Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 9:00 am
by Marduk
Apparently I'm not doing enough liturgical discussion in real life, because I got into discussing the existence of God with regards to the problem of evil in my dream. And I wish I could remember what I said, because it was quite eloquent.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 10:18 am
by bobtheenchantedone
Oh Marduk, only you would have philosophical discussions in your dreams.

Mine was yet another escaping dream. I am almost always on the run from people in my dreams. The great thing about this morning's is that I was allowed to lucid dream! I don't get to do that very often any more, so that's exciting, until I remember that my ability to lucid dream usually means I'm under a lot of stress...

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 11:55 am
by mic0
Mine dream (like many) had a nefarious murder plot going on. The last scene was someone murdering my dream-dad, and then it suddenly turned into sci-fi. But I also had a huge, huge dog. It was awesome, except when he accidentally led the murderers to our driveway. Stupid dog.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:03 pm
by Whistler
I dreamt I was at a masked swimming party. Then I found the phantom of the diving tower, who appeared sympathetic at first but then turned out to be a demon murderer or something. Maybe I've been playing too much Dragon Age.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 2:34 pm
by Dead Cat
Dragon Lady wrote:The other day someone added me on chat. I didn't recognize the address, so I tentatively accepted. I later decided it was spam and blocked it. I had a dream last night that it was Dead Cat and I felt bad. So, Dead Cat, if it was you, I'm really, really sorry. I suggest you stop looking like spam, though.
Unless I was doing it in my sleep, it wasn't me.

And, in keeping with the talking about our weird dreams, I dreamed I was in preschool and the little kids were doing a better job at following the teacher than me.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 3:42 pm
by Unit of Energy
I haven't had any odd dreams recently. I did once have a dream where I married a guy in the church from One Tree Hill, and my best friend (who I apparently hadn't invited) stormed in and shot everyone down, machine gun style. Whether the gun was real or not slipped my mind upon awaking, but yeah, that was an odd dream.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 8:33 am
by Sky Bones
Whistler, there's no such thing as playing too much Dragon Age. And if they don't announce anything about DA3 at E3 in a couple weeks I am going to cry.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 10:05 am
by C is for
I'm trying to make a shopping list before I go shopping, which means I need to make a menu plan, which means I need to think about cooking.

It was so much easier when I didn't have to do all of this myself.

In other news, I hope she doesn't mind me sharing, Defyv is having her baby right now.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 10:32 am
by Katya
C is for wrote:In other news, I hope she doesn't mind me sharing, Defyv is having her baby right now.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 10:57 pm
by Dragon Lady
Katya wrote:
C is for wrote:In other news, I hope she doesn't mind me sharing, Defyv is having her baby right now.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 12:58 pm
by NerdGirl
I had the following phone conversation with my brother and my nephew (age 3):
Nephew: Auntie Nerdgirl, the place where I live is called my location.
Brother: Who told you that?
Nephew: My mom told me.
Nephew: Auntie Nerdgirl, R2D2 is in the bathtub.
Me: Oh, really? What's he doing in there?
Nephew: He is saying, "eiowruqofjqpwefojew." (R2D2 noises)
Me: Oh. Is C3P0 in there with him?
Nephew: NO!!!!!!!!!! You're so silly!!!!

I love kids.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 2:06 pm
by Defy V
Dragon Lady wrote:
Katya wrote:
C is for wrote:In other news, I hope she doesn't mind me sharing, Defyv is having her baby right now.
Thanks! He's perfect.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 5:26 pm
by yayfulness
NerdGirl wrote:I had the following phone conversation with my brother and my nephew (age 3):
Nephew: Auntie Nerdgirl, the place where I live is called my location.
Brother: Who told you that?
Nephew: My mom told me.
Nephew: Auntie Nerdgirl, R2D2 is in the bathtub.
Me: Oh, really? What's he doing in there?
Nephew: He is saying, "eiowruqofjqpwefojew." (R2D2 noises)
Me: Oh. Is C3P0 in there with him?
Nephew: NO!!!!!!!!!! You're so silly!!!!

I love kids.
Agreed. I'm teaching a Primary class (ages 4 to 6) in my home ward for the duration of the summer. Last Sunday, two kids were getting into the beginning of a fight, and after I got them to quit, I started talking to one of them about how he should "do unto others as ye would have them do unto you." His response: "She threw tape at me, so that means that she wants me to throw tape at her!" A short while later, the other kid said something along the lines of "it doesn't matter if I did something bad, he should do what's right." They are such a handful sometimes... but it still might be my favorite calling ever.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 5:48 pm
by Unit of Energy
I was a nursery leader when my little sister was 2 or so. No matter what was going on in class, my sister would flash me dirty looks, as if it were my fault that her friends were hitting each other over cookies.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 10:08 pm
by krebscout
I'm nursery leader now. Both of my kids are in nursery. We have about 18 kids on an average Sunday. Crazy times.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 11:07 pm
by Portia
krebscout wrote:I'm nursery leader now. Both of my kids are in nursery. We have about 18 kids on an average Sunday. Crazy times.
Wow. All the kids in my family are 7 grades apart.

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 6:07 am
by Katya
Portia wrote:
krebscout wrote:I'm nursery leader now. Both of my kids are in nursery. We have about 18 kids on an average Sunday. Crazy times.
Wow. All the kids in my family are 7 grades apart.
7 grades from oldest to youngest or 7 grades between each sibling? (I suppose it's the same thing if you only have two kids, but I thought there were more in your family, for some reason.)

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 1:33 pm
by Portia
Katya wrote:
Portia wrote:
krebscout wrote:I'm nursery leader now. Both of my kids are in nursery. We have about 18 kids on an average Sunday. Crazy times.
Wow. All the kids in my family are 7 grades apart.
7 grades from oldest to youngest or 7 grades between each sibling? (I suppose it's the same thing if you only have two kids, but I thought there were more in your family, for some reason.)
3 kids in toto. my brother is a hs senior, my sister is in 5th grade, and I'm class of '05

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 9:51 pm
by Craig Jessop
I just got polled by Hart Research Associates. A white Mormon planning on voting for... somebody (I told them Obama right now, but that my opinion could easily change between now and November), the Republican for Senate, and Democrat for the House (fat chance of his getting elected in my district, but still). Gotta love polls!

Re: Happy Days in Random Chatter 10

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 10:20 pm
by krebscout
Portia wrote:
krebscout wrote:I'm nursery leader now. Both of my kids are in nursery. We have about 18 kids on an average Sunday. Crazy times.
Wow. All the kids in my family are 7 grades apart.
Yeah, they're 18 months apart. It's a lot of fun now that my youngest is going on 2, but I wouldn't recommend that interval to anybody.