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Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 5:53 pm
by thebigcheese
Spring is totally here. Heck, it's almost hot outside...almost.

I'd like to go out and enjoy it, but I've been feeling like junk today. It's almost like I'm getting eyestrain, even though I've actually spent less time using the computer today. Sort of a pressure headache slash slightly nauseated feeling. Blegh.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:50 pm
by Dragon Lady
Dang. It was really hot outside today. I wouldn't be surprised if I sunburned. I had to keep taking breaks to sit in the sun and chug water because I was getting so overheated. But don't worry, it'll rain all next week. Heh. Silly spring. But I love it.

Oh, another reason I'm sure it's now spring? The trees are finally flowering! [squeal!!!] Also, I convinced Brother to plant a magnolia tree! That has nothing to do with it being spring except magnolias are blooming and it makes me squeal in delight a) because they're blooming and b) because within a few years there'll be a magnolia tree that I can go see every single day if I want to while it's in bloom.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:09 pm
by Quiet Lamb
On the other hand, I'm visiting my sister in Hawaii and it is a beautiful summer here all year long it seems. We saw an injured sea turtle today, and we are unsure if you can still get fined if a sea turtle touches you instead of the other way around.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:32 pm
by Dead Cat
First final finished! (That's an alliteration and an oxymoron). It was a weirder experience this time, not because of the test itself, but because I forgot to grab the bubble sheet at the printer (I was in the JSB and I went to grab a drink from the fountain right after I picked up the test, then went straight to the auditorium). So I was almost done with the test when I wondered to myself why I didn't have a bubble/cover sheet. So I had to go back outside, pick up the bubble sheet, go back inside, bubble in my answers, erase my answers on the test itself, go back outside, scan the bubble sheet, re-fill the bubbles since I did them too light, and then finally scan it again. Never again will I forget to grab my bubble sheet at the printer.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:28 pm
by Unit of Energy
I am definitely sunburned. And not ready to return and do finals. Going back to Provo will be nice, finals, not so much.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:38 pm
by Dragon Lady
I am definitely sunburned, too! The worst part is my lips. They are so dry. But they were very dry prior to the sunburning, so I'm not sure how much that is part of it...

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:27 pm
by TheAnswerIs42
I feel like this should go on the "bravest thing I did today" thread, except that was ages ago. But I went and tried a class at the gym today! On my own! And I was even able to keep up to a non-embarrassing amount. And yesterday, we went to Cook's and today I planted my first thing in my yard (that we've owned for 6 years). We have a bajillion roses and tulips, and since my husband spent 2-3 years releveling the yard, I just let that go for too long. But I have no excuse. And now I have little baby strawberry plants.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:58 pm
by Whistler
awesome. I need to weed my yard before the dandelions go to seed...

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:40 pm
by bobtheenchantedone
So I don't handle stress well but apparently work well while stressed. Huh.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:53 pm
by thebigcheese
Today was easily my most stressful day at work thus far. And I didn't handle it well. Nor did it make me more productive. Nope, not one bit.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:34 pm
by Dragon Lady
Yellow is always surprisingly far down on my recently-texted list. It always surprises me how far I have to scroll down to find him.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:45 pm
by bobtheenchantedone
It always surprises me that people I last texted months ago are still on my recently-texted list.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:06 pm
by Dead Cat
I got to play babysitter for my 13-month-old niece tonight. She's always fun and wonderful to be around, but I seem to be slacking on studying for my hardest final...

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:31 pm
by Dragon Lady
I'm doing a quiet book exchange. I make 12 copies of one page, so does everyone else, then one person organizes it all and hey! We all get quiet books!

Why did I sign up for this? I'm not crafty. It was due on Friday. I'm still not done. I fail. (In my defense, Dragon Baby and I were sick last week, which meant nothing got done.) I am almost-ish done. I've got (almost) everything cut out. I've got more than half sewed on. But I'm down to the trickiest part, and the part I've been most nervous about since the beginning. So wish me luck! (Now the question, do I keep sewing tonight? Or do I go to bed now so that I can wake up early and sew?)

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:56 pm
by thebigcheese
Depends. I'm not much of a morning person, so I tend to work better at night and get more accomplished. There's just something about the darkness and the quiet of the night...and the fact that you're the only one awake. It helps me think clearly, like my brain has suddenly come alive -- which is very conducive to productivity. Dang, now you've got me thinking I should try to tackle some work projects before bed. Heck, I wonder if my job would allow me to clock hours from home at this late hour. I should really look into that. But, on the other hand, I can't imagine the husband appreciating that very much...

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:18 pm
by NerdGirl
My first boyfriend just added me on facebook! I haven't even seen him since I was 12, and the whole thing ended very weirdly. Very, very weirdly. But I think I am going to add him back because I'm dying to know what that crazy kid has been up to since 1994.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 6:04 pm
by Dragon Lady
Quiet book is done! HOORAY!!! I was in tears by the end of it because I hated it so much. And turns out, I'm not a great sewer. (Though, if were honest with myself, I already knew it.)

Now I'm just laying on the couch (or will be in a second) being super lazy until Yellow and LJ come back for dinner and games. And… then I need to figure out what to do for dinner. I'm thinking of ordering pizza. Cuz I feel gross and am not in the mood to cook. (Stupid quiet book.)

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:20 am
by Unit of Energy
I spent my day yesterday cleaning 3d's apartment with his parents and a roommate. It looks immensely better, although it wasn't bad before. And the day before that I cleaned my apartment. and now my feet hurt.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:59 am
by Katya
Dragon Lady wrote:Quiet book is done! HOORAY!!! I was in tears by the end of it because I hated it so much. And turns out, I'm not a great sewer. (Though, if were honest with myself, I already knew it.)
I'm horrible at doing any kind of sewing or crafting on a deadline. I decided I wanted to knit a bunny for Easter. I picked a small, simple pattern, I started around the beginning of Lent and all I have to show for it today is a scary looking tube with eyes. (But I might be able to finish the rest of the seaming, today.)

Oh, and when I knit my roommate a scarf for last Christmas, I went over the deadline by about a month.

Re: Nine for Random Chatter, doomed to die

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:36 pm
by Dragon Lady
Katya wrote:
Dragon Lady wrote:Quiet book is done! HOORAY!!! I was in tears by the end of it because I hated it so much. And turns out, I'm not a great sewer. (Though, if were honest with myself, I already knew it.)
I'm horrible at doing any kind of sewing or crafting on a deadline. I decided I wanted to knit a bunny for Easter. I picked a small, simple pattern, I started around the beginning of Lent and all I have to show for it today is a scary looking tube with eyes. (But I might be able to finish the rest of the seaming, today.)

Oh, and when I knit my roommate a scarf for last Christmas, I went over the deadline by about a month.
Heh. I knitted Heartless Siren a scarf for Christmas one year. It was the first scarf I ever made with a pattern. I finally finished it and gave it to her in June when she got married and moved to California. Oops?