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#50892 Poker and Face Cards

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:22 am
by Yarjka
I understand the argument that poker in and of itself is addictive, but, so are lots of favorite past times, even the most noble ones. I've seen people get so carried away about working out at the gym that they dismiss their friends and their work in pursuit of that ideal body. I personally have been so caught up in reading a good book that I lose track of time, or put aside more important business, in order to finish my book. As a child, my wife actually had to be grounded from books since she would spend so much time in her room never coming out to see the family.

Some people get together with friends and play games like Scrabble or Settlers of Catan, spending hours that could be spent on much more useful pursuits like charitable work, scripture study, etc. But, I would say that such games are actually a good use of time, because bonding with friends and relaxing are things that we need to have in our lives. Poker is not any different from these games, in my opinion. In fact, I've seen Scrabble played for money, I've seen Monopoly played with real money, so I think any game can be bet on and turned into a game of chance. Sports games are often bet on, so should we not fill out a March Madness bracket since it could lead to gambling? I think if used in the proper way, poker can be a good use of one's time to increase friendship in a group through a fun break from life.

A similar topic appeared time and again amongst my friends in high school on the issue of video games. One faction of my friends stated that video games are a complete waste of time which could be spent creating works of art, doing something important for humanity. The other faction stated that video games are incredibly fun and give a much needed break from homework, school, etc. Can people become addicted to video games? - absolutely. Is someone inherently an addict if they play video games? - definitely not. I would venture the same applies to poker. Just because fake money is involved in the game, this doesn't mean someone will become a gambling addict any more than a frequent Monopoly player will enter the world of real estate/hotel management.

My main point: just because you think it's a waste of time, this doesn't mean it is for everybody else. Just because President Hinckley would rather spend his time reading great literature or listening to uplifting music, this doesn't mean it's what everyone needs to spend their time doing. These are great suggestions (and certainly better than gambling, which I think is what he was offering alternatives to, not poker itself), but how many groups of friends want to have a party where they sit around reading classic literature or listening to Mozart? (I actually did both of these parties with my friends in high school, frequently, but we're weird and nerdy). That's simply not the purpose of that particular gathering. There is a time and a place for taking part in those noble pursuits, but for bonding with friends, poker (assuming everyone amongst the friends enjoys it, and in moderation, and without real money involved) is a great activity.

I would offer my own suggestion, though, that charity work is an even better way to make friendships and do something noble at the same time. I've never played any game that could match the fun I've had volunteering with my friends.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:33 am
by Nanti-SARRMM
I would agree that poker in and of itself is not bad. The frequency and the gambling tied to it can be.

Also, as far as face cards, there are other games like Egyptian's Rat Crew (And the billion other names that is associated with), solitaire, hearts, and other games that can be played with face cards. So I don't think the cards are bad themselves.

But thanks for your input Yarjka.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:43 am
by Yarjka
Reading over what I wrote, I realized that the you could be taken as a personal attack against one of the writers. I really just meant a universal 'you', as in: just because one person thinks X doesn't mean X is true for everyone.

I'm just writing my thoughts to start a possible discussion, since I'm curious of the opinions other people have. I take no issue with the answers given. In fact, I thought the responses were well-articulated - they provoked my own thoughts on the matter.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:33 am
by Unit of Energy
I have no problem with playing games. Every Sunday when I still lived at home we would play a game together after dinner was cleaned up.
I do agree that some of the best times I've had were when doing service projects, but playing games with friends and family is where my lasting relationships have been cemented.
Poker is quite entertaining, and I used to play it at work sometimes when there was no one to tutor, and I wouldn't mind playing it now, but there are other more interesting games.

And charity work and service projects can be just as damaging to relationships as anything else. It just depends on where you place your priorities.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:25 am
by bobtheenchantedone
I collect face cards. I wish I had some with me, as now I have a real hankerin' to play me some solitaire.

Anyway, I've always been of the opinion there are ways to use things correctly and there are ways to use things incorrectly, and I'm not going to ban everything that can be used incorrectly. Junk food, internet, face cards...

I remember when my brother and I used to gamble using Hershey's chocolate bars. Good times. ; D

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 5:24 pm
by Neologism
I am on the same page as Yarjka. Some of my favorite memories with my family are when we were all playing cards together.
I agree that things can be used correctly and incorrectly (or right or wrong) and poker is one of those things. While I am not a big fan of poker, I really enjoy other card games and will love to play them with my future family.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:27 pm
by Yarjka
Unit of Energy wrote:And charity work and service projects can be just as damaging to relationships as anything else. It just depends on where you place your priorities.
That's a good point. People should be careful to make sure even the most virtuous activities aren't overemphasized in their lives. I think we'd do well to treat our church callings in the same way -- magnify your calling, but not in such excess that you sacrifice everything else.