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February 15-20

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:31 pm
by C is for
Groundhog Day

Quick Money-Making Scheme

Fibro Fun

Boardmance (Hobbzipan Edition)

Internet Sensation?

As always, let me know if I forgot your favorite! Thanks, folks.

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 8:45 pm
by C is for
Guys, we have a tie going on here. Someone want to take care of that in prep for Best of February?

Speaking of, I'll have this past week's Fav of Week up ... sometime. When I have time to go through the offerings. Preferably at my own computer. So pretty much I have time to make incidental comments here and not to put up the new FavofWeek.

Be sure to vote :idea: in previous weeks this month!