#60218 - Romantic Gestures

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#60218 - Romantic Gestures

Post by bobtheenchantedone »


I want to hear some more opinions on this, 'cause I think it's an interesting topic. What is your favorite romantic gesture, either received or hoped for?

One of mine: he got up much earlier than he usually does to help me set up for my first week of farmers market. After set-up, he left to go play basketball - only to drive past ten minutes later to give me some fruit to eat for breakfast. I still smile when I think of it.
The Epistler was quite honestly knocked on her ethereal behind by the sheer logic of this.
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Re: #60218 - Romantic Gestures

Post by thebigcheese »

Um, can I vote for my own goofy gestures...or is that lame? So, I think humor/creativity is romantic. For Valentine's Day, I got some window markers and wrote "Just Dating" on the back of his car. Then I tied some cans to the bumper and left a bunch of candy inside. Another time, I left him a trail of mints leading to an otter pop bouquet because he absolutely loves them.

He's done a couple of funny ones too. Like the sandwich with olive eyes and a cheese tongue sticking out, waiting for me in the fridge when I got home from class. I also enjoyed his Facebook parodies. I found a post-it note on my bedroom door that said, "1 New Notification: someone has posted something on your wall" and then I walked in to find a love letter hanging on the wall. He also printed out one of those Facebook event invitations and left it at my house with a flower, to ask me on a date. We're nerds, apparently. But I think it's funny.

Before we even started dating, he was giving me a ride to the airport for Christmas break, and he showed up at my apartment with two big mugs of hot chocolate. I was pretty impressed by that. Oh, and sunflowers are his trademark. He always leaves sunflowers for me in interesting places, so I always know that it's him.

But the sweetest gift of all was probably the book he made for me this past Christmas. He parodied the Mr. Men books (which I love) and wrote one called Mr. Average (which is funny because "average" is an inside joke with my family). It even rhymed! The story was all about how this average guy went about doing his average things, and there was nothing really special about him. But then one day, he met a girl who made him feel like he the things he did were important after all. Here's a snippet from near the end:

Mr. Average was average because that's how he felt
But if feelings were ice cream, then feelings could melt
But this was a new thing he'd not felt before
Things didn't make him feel average! No, not anymore!
This Little Miss appreciated his things,
His cooking, his music, just about everything!
They weren't carbon copies, but she made him feel loved.
She made him feel valued, she made him feel snug.
She'd hear all his stories, no matter how nerdy
(Little Miss could be the same strange type of flirty)
Mr. Average now felt that his average deeds
Were no longer average if they took care of her needs.

Awww... (it still makes me cry)
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Re: #60218 - Romantic Gestures

Post by krebscout »

Amen. Funny is totally sexy.

The other week Sauron and I were both having a bit of a hard time. Lots of stressors. And because he knows me well, he invented this bizarre game that he knew I would like to surprise me. And by the end of the game we were both in fits of laughter. The game he created just for me, the surprise, the near pants-wetting hilarity: it was all very romantic. I mean it.
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Re: #60218 - Romantic Gestures

Post by Wisteria »

Last summer I was dating a wonderful friend of mine who was going to school in New York. And then he came out to Utah to visit me for the first time since we decided that we were dating. And he bought roses in New York and carried them on the plane all the way to Salt Lake. It was the first time that I'd been given flowers by a boy I was dating. And it melted my heart.

Also, before all that, one of the things that kind of drew us towards each other was this long, somewhat serious, somewhat silly email exchange we had over the relevancy of science in everyday life (he is getting a PhD in physics and I have an MS in genetics). I loved seeing a message from him in my inbox and reading his long, thoughtful and thought-provoking messages, punctuated by sentences like, "this is awesome. Why didn't we have more conversations like this when I was in Utah?" Yeah. That was romantic. I am also a nerd, clearly.
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Re: #60218 - Romantic Gestures

Post by C is for »

I'm a big problem. I imagine romantic gestures in just about any situation. Yesterday after church I was walking to my car and thought, "Oh wouldn't it be nice if someone left a note on my windshield saying how awesome I am?" (And by awesome, I meant beautiful and incredible and entirely datable.) Nobody had, of course. But I do stuff like that too often.

As far as some of my favorite romantic gestures that actually happen, I did enjoy flowers back when I got them. My boyfriend also made an effort to get me a special gift for each month we dated. Like a tape converter thing for my car. If I still drove that car, I'd still use it. Pretty sure my little sister does use it. It was really sweet and practical.

It doesn't take much for me to define something as a romantic gesture. Any sign of effort made is pleasing. Most of my romantic gestures were slightly time-intensive silly things just to show I cared. Some were really clever but they were a long time ago and I don't remember them. *sigh*

So yeah. I enjoyed reading your favorites. I'm glad that romance isn't dead.
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Re: #60218 - Romantic Gestures

Post by Sharona Fleming »

Yesterday I had a romantic gesture go awry. Or at least it didn't go off as planned. I came here for sympathy.

While the hubby was at work, I had to make a grocery store run. When I passed the Oreo aisle I thought, "J would probably be really happy if I bought some cookies for him." So I did. I got home and decided to tape a sappy love note on the top of the Oreo package and hide it somewhere as an added surprise. Since J and I have pretty much used every good hiding place in our teeny-tiny apartment for hiding love notes and such to each other in the past, I thought I was being brilliant when I chose our mailbox to stash the cookies. I figured when he got home I'd just tell him I had forgotten to get the mail and I'd appreciate it if he would go get it.

Never try to turn a little white lie into a romantic gesture, friends. I got some bad karma for those little lying intentions.

I picked J up from work and the first thing he said when we got out of the car was, "Hey, did you get the mail yet?" Shoot! I knew he was going to ask me to accompany him to the mail center now. I lied. "No, not yet."

"Wanna come get it with me?"

No. "Okay."

Of course there had to be someone else getting her mail at the same time. And because of the set-up of the mail center, she had to wait for J to get ours before she could open her mailbox. He opened our box and said, "Hey! There are Oreos in here. Why?" He was legitimately confused.

"Umm...because I put them there."

"Oh." Yes. That's all I got from him. I think he was just as embarrassed as I was to have a witness. And even moreso when he pulled them out and saw the huge "I >3 U" note on top. The lady gave me a little sympathetic smile when we were leaving, but that didn't stop me from feeling foolish! Poor J. We both went back to our apartment with red faces.

Next time I think I'm going to just put the Oreos on the kitchen table. Or I might try not lying to my husband in the future. I'm not really sure yet. :)
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