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Handyman skills/knowledge needed

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:49 pm
by Dragon Lady
Ok, so Marduk proved to me that I know nothing about cars, nor where to service them. Great. Turns out, we don't have a lot of handyman knowledge, either. So, before I just go hire the first person to show up in my google search, maybe you guys can help me here.

Our dryer duct needs to be cleaned. We're getting a new washer and dryer tonight, so we figured it'd be nice to get it cleaned before we installed everything. (But we're willing to do it after install if we just can't get anyone on such short notice.) We live on the top floor of a condo, so we're guessing that we have a rooftop dryer duct, which seems to be more expensive to clean. The only site I've looked at with prices is which lists that at $150. We've done it once by hand, but I'm certain our snake didn't reach clear to the outside. And in that search, we found a dead bird. And even removing the dead bird didn't help our dryer dry any better. So I half wonder if there is a nest or something further out. I don't think we can get up onto our roof and I don't know if the vent actually goes out the roof or if it goes out the side. Needless to say, I really don't think we're going to be doing this ourselves. We're gonna have to hire someone. (My brother just pointed out that we do have attic access, if that helps at all.)

So… any tips? How much should I expect to spend? Recommendations on someone good who won't rip me off? I'm kind of tired of spending money right now...

Re: Handyman skills/knowledge needed

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:03 am
by UnluckyStuntman
I know nothing about cleaning dryer ducts - have you thought about looking (or posting an ad) on craigslist?
Also, dead birds are gross. And sad.

Re: Handyman skills/knowledge needed

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:42 am
by vorpal blade
Sorry, I don't have any experience that will help you. I never had a dryer in an apartment I've rented, and I've never owned a condo. Isn't there a condo manager or association or someone you could ask?

I've lived in homes, either rented or owned, but the dryer duct was very short, and no problem at all to clean myself.

If I were renting I'd ask the person I paid rent to to fix the problem.

As a long shot, have you thought of asking your home teaching for advice or help?

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Re: Handyman skills/knowledge needed

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:09 pm
by Dragon Lady
I could ask the HOA president for advice (and he's handy, so he might have some great advice) but as it's the inside, not the outside of the complex, he won't do anything about it. (The HOA is responsible for the building structure and grounds.) We own, so no landlords to complain to. Home teachers we've seen… thrice in the last year and a half. Though the last two have been recently. (New HTers.) But one is a musician and the other is a programmer/photographer. So I'm not sure they'll be much help, either.

Thanks for your advice!

Re: Handyman skills/knowledge needed

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:18 pm
by Craig Jessop
Dragon Lady wrote:But one is a musician and the other is a programmer/photographer. So I'm not sure they'll be much help, either.

Re: Handyman skills/knowledge needed

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:29 pm
by Dragon Lady
That… wasn't actually meant to be mean. Yellow is a programmer/musician. I'm just saying that their chosen strengths aren't really the handyman types. I didn't say they wouldn't be able to help. Just that I wasn't sure they would. If I were to choose someone in the ward to help based on the little I know about them (like their occupations) I'd go for the cabinet maker (who is Yellow's co-scout leader.) Cabinet-maker just seems so much more handymanner than musician or programmer. That's all.

Re: Handyman skills/knowledge needed

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:36 pm
by Craig Jessop
I know what you meant... I just thought it was funny and a "haha" just didn't seem to cut it. :)

Re: Handyman skills/knowledge needed

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:34 pm
by Marduk
Dragon Lady wrote:That… wasn't actually meant to be mean. Yellow is a programmer/musician. I'm just saying that their chosen strengths aren't really the handyman types. I didn't say they wouldn't be able to help. Just that I wasn't sure they would. If I were to choose someone in the ward to help based on the little I know about them (like their occupations) I'd go for the cabinet maker (who is Yellow's co-scout leader.) Cabinet-maker just seems so much more handymanner than musician or programmer. That's all.
Saw the term "handymanner" and originally read it as "handy manny." He totally could help you out.

Re: Handyman skills/knowledge needed

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:49 pm
by Dragon Lady
Marduk wrote:
Dragon Lady wrote:That… wasn't actually meant to be mean. Yellow is a programmer/musician. I'm just saying that their chosen strengths aren't really the handyman types. I didn't say they wouldn't be able to help. Just that I wasn't sure they would. If I were to choose someone in the ward to help based on the little I know about them (like their occupations) I'd go for the cabinet maker (who is Yellow's co-scout leader.) Cabinet-maker just seems so much more handymanner than musician or programmer. That's all.
Saw the term "handymanner" and originally read it as "handy manny." He totally could help you out.
If only I could get him out of my TV! Any tips on that? ;)