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Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:28 pm
by Dragon Lady
I've realized recently that I need to simplify my life and my house. I've been looking around, seeing where I can declutter and simplify and have come to the conclusion that as much as I love my plants (they all have names, even!), I just don't have room for them. My little condo simply can't hold them all comfortably. So I've decided it's time to find them some good homes. Would anyone be interested in some houseplants? They're very friendly and most are very hardy, too. (Which means that if you forget to water here and there, they'll probably be fine. Heaven knows I have.)

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:51 pm
by Whistler
I have an interest in your offer!

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:55 pm
by Humble Master
What are their names?

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:58 pm
by Dragon Lady
Humble Master wrote:What are their names?
All of them? Or just the ones I'm giving away?

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:01 pm
by chillygator
If they survived me caring for them, they REALLY can survive anything...

Clearly the answer is to just buy a bigger condo.

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:01 pm
by Humble Master
Now I'm curious. All of them, please.

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:08 pm
by Dragon Lady
These are the ones I'm giving away. The very left four from front to back are: Irene, Dorothy, Maria and George
The middle two from front to back are: Caroline and MJ (My first spider plant was named Toby, so I went with the theme (sort of) and named my next one MJ.)
The right three from front to back are Yenta (sp? The matchmaker on Fiddler on the Roof), Ginny, and Brooklyn.

Yes, I realize that two of those plants are named after Harry Potter characters. You'll also notice that they look similar. I have another that looks very much like George that I am keeping. Her name is Molly.

Yenta has two plants in her. One you can't see very well. I'm considering pulling those out and repotting them as they have sentimental value. If I do so, I'm willing to fill the pot with more wandering jew starts (what you can really see in there).

I also have a bunch of wandering jew starts of two varieties (possibly three if you're a sweet talker) that I'm willing to part with.

The spider plant in Dorothy has several starts that are just ready to be planted and trimmed off the mother plant.

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:09 pm
by Dragon Lady
The plants I'm keeping are named: Chloe, Bertha, Toby, Darby, Kate, Philip, Molly, Jasmine (though she's going to go through serious surgery that I'm not convinced she'll survive), Luella, Juliette and Tamar.

I tend towards female names in naming plants, I know. But I do have a few boys.

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:11 pm
by Dragon Lady
Whistler wrote:I have an interest in your offer!
They're all pictured below. Which one(s) would you be interested in? And when could you take them? (As you can see, they're now taking up space on my table, and I'd rather they stop doing that soon. But I can move them to the counter when we eat, if needed.

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:12 pm
by Dragon Lady
Oh! I forgot Carmen. She's a busy vine plant that I haven't decided if I'm keeping or not.

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:13 pm
by melbabi
Oo, can I have George?? I like him!!!

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:15 pm
by Dragon Lady
melbabi wrote:Oo, can I have George?? I like him!!!
Sure! Any chances you're coming to Orem soon?

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:17 pm
by melbabi
Hmm... maybe. My sis lives in Provo so I could always go down and visit her. Does this weekend work?

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:17 pm
by Dead Cat
I'm not sure if I should take one of your darlings, but I'll think about it.

In the meantime, one of my roommates from last year had a plant named Herb. We would draw faces on his pail with a dry erase marker and when we stuck him in the bathroom, his face was almost always turned away from the shower. One night on Facebook, aforementioned roommate talked about Herb as if he were her new boyfriend she was taking home and the rest of us in the apartment had way too much fun with puns in the comments.

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:21 pm
by Dragon Lady
melbabi wrote:Hmm... maybe. My sis lives in Provo so I could always go down and visit her. Does this weekend work?
Well, Friday I'll be up in Riverton area for dinner, then going to Hale. I might be able to bring George that far, but I can't guarantee when I'll be where, so that might not be easy. Saturday I'll be here part of the day, when I'm not at the temple. Again, I'll probably be in Riverton for a fair bit of the day. But either day I could leave George outside (or with a neighbor if it's too cold) and you could just stop and get him.

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:24 pm
by melbabi
Could I meet you in Riverton on Saturday? That's a lot closer for me to drive to. I'll PM you...

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:50 pm
by thebigcheese
This reminds me of a burning question my husband had the other day -- is it necessary to keep plants near windows, or will indoor light suffice?

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:58 pm
by Whistler
Dragon Lady wrote:
Whistler wrote:I have an interest in your offer!
They're all pictured below. Which one(s) would you be interested in? And when could you take them? (As you can see, they're now taking up space on my table, and I'd rather they stop doing that soon. But I can move them to the counter when we eat, if needed.
I'm interested in... Caroline? (the ivy) and maybe some of the succulents (you don't have to water those much, right?). I'm on BYU campus pretty much every weekday, but if you're in Orem most of the time I could probably arrange to come by some evening (maybe Thurs? should I just PM you?).

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:22 pm
by Dragon Lady
thebigcheese wrote:This reminds me of a burning question my husband had the other day -- is it necessary to keep plants near windows, or will indoor light suffice?
I think it depends on the plant, but I'm definitely not the one to ask. I really, really wish I were, though, if that's any consolation.

Re: Houseplants

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:26 pm
by Dragon Lady
Whistler wrote:I'm interested in... Caroline? (the ivy) and maybe some of the succulents (you don't have to water those much, right?). I'm on BYU campus pretty much every weekday, but if you're in Orem most of the time I could probably arrange to come by some evening (maybe Thurs? should I just PM you?).
Alright. George and Caroline are both called for. (And, Whistler, I'm jealous about you taking Caroline. I debated and debated about putting her in there. I love the ivy. But I just have so many viney plants and no places to put them. So consider yourself lucky! :D

Whistler, I don't actually have any succulents. I wish I did. I LOVE succulents. Do you mean the Wandering Jews? Those are vines. But pretty. They're purple and green. So pretty.