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to "135"

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:59 am
by Portia
To steal a phrase, "it gets better!" You've already accomplished something genuinely impressive. And your fears are unfounded!

I have a comporable height/weight ratio, and plenty of men find me physically attractive. I've gone out with guys with all body types, from a 6'4", 220-lb Irish jock to an Asian hipster who was 5'7" and 150 on a tall and fat day. Not one of them cared about my dress size or what was on my license. If I was attractive to them and interesting, they weren't going to go putting me on a scale before having a good time.

Mormon guys are not by and large into heroin chic. I think it's definitely possible to own your sexiness and sexuality while choosing not to be sexually active at present. Dress well, and for the figure you have now (not for a larger or smaller idea of yourself). I have an hourglass figure with short legs: button-up shirts pencil skirts and wide belts are going to do more for me than tees and pants. College students tend to dress androgynously and sloppily, which might not show your figure to greatest advantage. (Miss Bennett)

Straight guys really, really don't care about weight in the way women or many gay men do. They care about sexy, not skinny: those aren't synonyms! There are beautiful, talented slender women (Emma Stone or Lucy Liu) and curvy women who are just as successful and desirable (Kelly Clarkson or Christina Hendricks). Would you rather be a Joan, who looks smashing and is powerful and is a size 10-ish, or be a Betty, who is miserable and unlikable but is a size 6? If you're a Joan, own it. So cliché, but confidence IS attractive on a woman!