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Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:52 pm
by Portia
So, I'll be done with a French B.A. (with an English Lit minor) in June. I am interviewing for teaching jobs now - camps in the summer, private schools in the fall. Similar to what I have done for the past few years, really, just on a more full-time basis.

I realized that as far as graduate programs go, I think TESOL would be a good fit for my abilities and interests. The post that came up as far as that was an exchange between Craig and Katya that it was one option he was considering. I know you're graduating, Craig: have you decided to go that route?

BYU offers an MA in the field, and the U offers a certificate (which you can get stand-alone, or as part of a larger program.) By upbringing and temperament, I'm definitely a Salt Lake girl, and quite frankly, the thought of more time in Provo is semi-harrowing, but if their program is particularly strong, I may consider it. I'm not big on the idea of going out of state just yet, although an ultimate goal would be to teach abroad. Is my sense that a post-bachelor's TESOL certificate or degree correct, in terms of being "the standard?" I know we have a lot of linguists on the board, so if you have any experience/opinions, weigh in.


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:37 am
by Giovanni Schwartz
I know that to teach English in Taiwan, you don't need hardly nothin' (Oops. My redneck is showing). Azriel spent time teaching English in Taiwan. If that interests you, you could talk to her, I'm sure.


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:49 am
by Portia
Yeah, there were a lot of very useful links on the Board proper. This one especially. This was good, too.

I'd be less interested in Asia than in the France-Switzerland-Germany triangle, and I know Western Europe usually requires lots of red tape and they like certifications. I also could very well teach immigrants here in the US.


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:23 pm
by The Happy Medium
I don't really have any advice about the TESOL MA except that the teachers are amazing. I'm doing a TESOL minor and I have loved all of the classes. I'm doing a French minor too...I wonder if we've met IRL.