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How to handle a breakup #73827

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:58 am
by vorpal blade
This is in reference to

The suggestion to burn a photograph of the person you just broke up with reminded me of the movie, "Jab We Met," one of my favorites. This ritual helped in the movie.

I can't say I've ever experienced a breakup.

Re: How to handle a breakup #73827

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:21 pm
by C is for

The only good breakups are the ones where you send them on a mission and don't have to think about them anymore.

Re: How to handle a breakup #73827

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:33 pm
by Emiliana
Breakups suck. I have no advice about how to get over them, because I tended to pine over exes for a year or more until I met someone better.

Re: How to handle a breakup #73827

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:06 pm
by Tally M.
My first breakup I basically ignored. Which, in retrospect, was probably absolutely horrible for me. Not letting yourself pain just creates pain for later.

And...the most recent one...I did the breaking up, so, it was reassuring myself that I really made the right decision.

Re: How to handle a breakup #73827

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:56 pm
by Random
Burning things? I might have to try that sometime...

I... don't really remember what I did to get over my one and only breakup. I cried to my best friend for half an hour right after it happened, but I was in the middle of stage managing a (really stressful) show, so I didn't have time for "breakup ritual" stuff. Oh, and my ex was working on that show too, that was fun. Then there was school and we shared a class and all of the same friends. Basically I had to see him every day for four months after the break up, and it was super awkward. The next semester we hardly saw each other at all, and by the end of it I had gotten over the break up and we actually managed to be friends again. So I guess my way of coping with the break up was be really busy and find a lot of awesome new friends at school.

Re: How to handle a breakup #73827

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:59 am
by Whistler
My strategy with breakups was to plan them out a few weeks ahead of time, so I wouldn't be as surprised/sad when it happened. It doesn't really make it any less sad.

Re: How to handle a breakup #73827

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:26 pm
by vorpal blade
On the side of how or how not to instigate a breakup I thought this letter that came out today was interesting.
Carol wrote:The best way that someone broke it off with me was to tell me they thought I was wonderful, but did not feel that elusive click. This was classy, and it left me feeling good about myself. I have used this line myself a time or two.

Worst way was when my husband of 17 years and father of my 3 children left me a note on the kitchen table on New Years Eve 1999 telling me he was going off to start the new millennium with the love of his life, he would be back in a few weeks to explain it to the kids, and they would absolutely love her. Devastating to all, YES! Did his new relationship last? NO... it ended when she got pregnant with someone else's baby.

Carol ... _term=link