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denying women being sexual beings

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 5:27 pm
by Portia
I am so done with this weird cultural meme that women are passive, asexual, non-visual, infantilized beings. The sexual aspect of relationships is the primary way I feel loved and appreciated... And yes, I'm a woman. I just as capable of monogamy as an "emotional love language" person is. You can cheat sexually, emotionally, financially ...

I'm sick of the unintelligent women-are-objects culture, and sick of the LDS cover-up-ladies culture. It comes from the same patronizing, objectifying, insulting place.

A woman wrote to the board that she felt neglected because her husband or boyfriend didn't shower her with gifts. Physical affection is free. The sooner stereotypes die, the sooner I will feel like I can be the person I actually am without conforming to the lame, limited, un-feminist models of being a Mormon chick or a secular one. I don't know how parents of daughters handle it.