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Online Personalities

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:27 am
by SmurfBlueSnuggie
We've all got 'nyms here. I know some of you re-use yours on other sites, some have a distinct username for every community you're part of. I'm wondering your thoughts on each option? Why keep the same 'nym? Why change it up?

I've got a friend who's updating a forum that he used to run and is trying to make it into a full business. I'm really proud of him and want to help out and support him. So far that's been through chatting about business concepts, but now I'm thinking of joining the forum. I get to choose a username and part of me wants to stick with SBS, but part of me wants to choose something totally new.

Input? Advice? Stories? :)

Re: Online Personalities

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:30 am
by Marduk
I've never felt the need to try and extend beyond Marduk, for Marduk encompasses all. His power knows no bounds.

Re: Online Personalities

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:44 am
by bobtheenchantedone
I've used this username for many things. It's nice that when I'm going back to a site I haven't been to in a while I only have a few options as to what my username could be (I also use my business name as a username, for business sites or just because "Quiet Mischief" was a thing to me before I started the business). But it's also been bad because it's a long username so I have had to come up with a few variations which can be difficult to remember, plus there have been a couple of times I signed up for an account with this username on a site I am now embarrassed to be known as associated with.

Re: Online Personalities

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 9:38 am
by Tally M.
I have three? four? different user names that I alternate between. Mostly because it makes things easier to remember. This one is really the only one with a distinct online presence.

Re: Online Personalities

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:00 pm
by Portia
I use Portia when I want to be anonymous and firstl when I want to use my real identity.

Re: Online Personalities

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:23 pm
by Digit
Sometimes I read business-related articles through LinkedIn and shudder at the comments in the comments sections that people leave attached to their real identities.

Re: Online Personalities

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 4:04 pm
by Dragon Lady
I mostly just use firstnamelastname. Because for the most part I have no reason to hide my identity. I use it on Game Center because I know everyone I play against (except in the very few random instances that I play online, but it's not like a jerkface slimeball. I have no concerns about someone I randomly play with knowing my name. My email address is my real name because it's easier to remember and more professional. In other places I use nyms, like the Board. And when I played Ticket to Ride online, but only because that was before I made the transition to my real name. And I used niffler there. Because turns out, Dragon Lady gets taken all the time.

Re: Online Personalities

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 4:45 pm
by vorpal blade
Dragon Lady wrote:... Because turns out, Dragon Lady gets taken all the time.
Which is a little strange, considering that "A Dragon Lady is usually a stereotype of East Asian women as strong, deceitful, domineering or mysterious." (Wikipedia article). According to the Urban slang dictionary
dragon lady
A slang referencing the once First Lady of Vietnam, who was known to control her husband, and hence, controlling Vietnam. Tends to be used towards Asian women who are in position of power. Their traits are aggressive, intimidating, calculating, high-achiever. But generally, they are also intelligent and beautiful.
Jesus, here comes the Dragon Lady so pretend you're busy.
Or are they thinking of the nickname for the Lookheed U-2 spy plane?

Re: Online Personalities

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:15 pm
by Dragon Lady
It was a cartoon, too. Someone sent it to me once.

Clearly I have a secret personality hiding inside of me. Maybe I should be more deceitful and domineering on here...

Re: Online Personalities

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:12 am
by vorpal blade
Dragon Lady wrote:It was a cartoon, too. Someone sent it to me once.

Clearly I have a secret personality hiding inside of me. Maybe I should be more deceitful and domineering on here...
I suppose that was Terry and the Pirates? I used to read that comic strip every now and then. Dragon Lady was the woman villain. I didn't read enough of it to really follow it, though.

It is hard to tell about the deceitful, calculating, controlling villainesses. Part of the deceit is that they don't let you know they are the villainesses. Well, apparently being beautiful and intelligent makes up for these slight defects of character.

Re: Online Personalities

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:11 pm
by Dead Cat
This is the only place I use this 'nym. Actually, this is the only place on the internet besides Facebook where I'm actually social (recommending books to strangers on Goodreads doesn't count), but I do have a username for the various accounts that I pick up, with few exceptions.
I use Dead Cat here because that was the first 'nym I used to submit to the Board. Since I thought it was weird outside of a curiosity context, I had my gmail become something else, and that's what I've used ever since.