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Old Class Schedules

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 11:48 pm
by SmurfBlueSnuggie
Is there a way to look up my old class schedules for BYU? Not just what term I took what class, but what time of day I took it?

Re: Old Class Schedules

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 12:04 am
by SmurfBlueSnuggie
And if there's a campus schedule from March of '09, that'd be great too.

Re: Old Class Schedules

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 1:31 pm
by Katya
SmurfBlueSnuggie wrote:And if there's a campus schedule from March of '09, that'd be great too.
Here's the Winter 2009 class schedule: ... /20091.pdf

If you go to AIM, under Record Summary, it lists the classes you were in each semester, along with the section number, and that should be enough to let you match it up with a class time from the schedule.

Re: Old Class Schedules

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 11:17 pm
by SmurfBlueSnuggie
Sweet! Thanks Katya!

Re: Old Class Schedules

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 1:34 am
by wryness
I am tired and sick of working, so I decided to come up with a list of reasons why a person might hypothetically want to access their past schedule with times-of-day included:

- Helping to establish an alibi. Now you can tell everyone exactly where you would have been on the night of February the twenty-forth!
- Traveling back in time, Dr. Who-style, in order to present the past you from getting eaten by vampires or turned into a statue, or one of a multitude of innumerable ignominious or disturbing deaths.
- Marital disputes. ("Well, you never took me out to dinner while we were dating!" "Ha! That's because I had an evening class! Look at my schedule!")
- Going back to your class notes and adding posting dates and times to all of them, Twitter-style.
- Finding the numerologic patterns the stars (registrars?) have cast into your life, and using these hidden patterns to unlock the secrets to future wealth, health, and wisdom.
- Calculating how many hours of sleep you could have recuperated had you actually done homework in between classes, instead of sleeping or goofing around on the computer.
- Sharing the schedule with your comrades as the key to a secret cryptogram that will turn the tide for the resistance in the bloody civil war that will begin when Monsanto activates the "killer gene triggers" embedded within all our GMO produce.
- Comparing your schedule to your Significant Other's in order to discover how much you brushed shoulders without knowing it, previous to your relationship.
- Comparing the archived schedule to the one you remember to verify that you are actually you, and not a clone implanted with false memories by the shadow government.
- Compiling an incredibly detailed list of information about yourself so that you can train someone (a kandra?) to impersonate you impeccably while you embark on a secret mission to take down the shadow government.
- Settling an argument about the amount of time it takes to run from the Richards Building to the HFAC (in between classes).
- Relearning classroom numbers so that you can go back in time, Dr. Who-style, to leave treats for your past self underneath desks.
- Analyzing class data to see if there were any trends you unconsciously followed in selecting your classes. ("Wow--I always opted for small classes on ground-level rooms...and ones where the professors all liked flan!")
- Seeing if American Heritage was really as long as you remember.

That was kind of fun. If anyone wants to add to this list, please do so. :)

Re: Old Class Schedules

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 9:27 am
by SmurfBlueSnuggie

Actually, comparing schedule with Significant Other is probably the closest. A friend wanted as detailed description of a particular day in my life as was possible. He wanted to compare it to his because.... well, actually I'm not entirely sure why. It was fun anyways.

And I found my lost journal from freshman year in the process!!! :D

Re: Old Class Schedules

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 12:50 pm
by mic0
SmurfBlueSnuggie wrote: And I found my lost journal from freshman year in the process!!! :D
OoOoh, how's that? What do you think of your freshman self?

Re: Old Class Schedules

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 12:46 am
by SmurfBlueSnuggie
I missed that journal so much! It has records of some of my favorite years in it. But I'd put it in an old scripture case, in a box, under my winter clothes. I basically emptied my closet looking for it to answer this question. It was the third or fourth time trying to find it since graduation.

I liked my freshman self. I was immature, and very aware of it. So I don't feel too embarrassed to read just how immature I was. It was so much fun. I met my best friends that year. The speed with which I developed crushes was pretty entertaining, though. ;) Day one of the journal and I'm already describing my crush in very flowery terms. Terms I still use with guys I find truly beautiful, but never out loud, and rarely in my journal.