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Medical Horror Stories

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 8:17 pm
by the anglophile
Interesting question. I am a complete fainter. I pass out almost every time I go to the doctor. Funny how I want to go into the medical field :shock: Anyways, one time I was at the doctor getting a vial of blood taken for a TB test. I was sitting in the chair, and according to my mom I said "oh no" and passed out. What I remember is being in space all of a sudden and feeling like I had been in very deep sleep for the longest time. I ended up on the floor with a huge bruise on my arm because I knocked the needle out. Ouch.

My first time at the chiropractor I was getting all the tests done to see what was wrong with me. Nothing was wrong. I was totally fine, then he started doing this slidey thing to my spine and I started to feel like I was going to pass out, so he got me a cup of water. He began with the slide thing again and the next thing I know I'm laying on the floor drenched in water and super confused.

When I was maybe 6 or 7, my brother had ear tube surgery before school. I drove with him and my mom had this pamphlet about the tubes in the backseat, and as the voracious reader I am, I read the whole thing. Twenty minutes later, as I was waiting outside the school to be let in (I was sitting on a concrete bench surrounded by concrete), I passed out. I had to be taken to my doctor to get stitches in my chin.

I once passed out watching the movie The Thirteenth Year, the one where the guy turned into a mermaid when he turned 13.


Re: Medical Horror Stories

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 8:44 pm
by Genuine Article
I'm the same way. My family has low blood pressure so we pass out left right and center over nothing. It happens to me when people start talking about pregnancy or childbirth - I don't even have to see anything graphic, I just get a ringing in my ears and everything starts to go black.

Re: Medical Horror Stories

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 1:03 pm
by Concorde
Yup, can confirm. I have low blood pressure so I'm pretty much the same. A typical reading is 100/52