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Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 6:06 pm
by mabel
yeah, but in the first book harry was just a baby wizard, but in the seventh book he's much more experienced, and if the wands are choosing, then harry has a lot more to recommend himself... while we're into personification, let's say that the wands respect him more because he knows what he's doing, and is more familiar with and skilled at/in magic, as opposed to raw talent. ...just a thought...

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:49 am
by Twister of Fate
I could totally be hallucinating and making things up, but doesn't Dumbledore say at one point that magic just wants to be used for good (or something to that vague, general effect)?

Since Draco's been working with Voldemort and doing not-so-good things, maybe the wand felt good in Harry's hands?

That's really not well thought out, but it is a thought.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:18 pm
by Dragon Lady
bismark, Niffler did a great job of discussing this very topic in I was rather confused on the whole elder wand thing as well.

Twister, I don't recall Dumbledore saying that... but that could just be a memory lapse. It happens.

Yes, the wand chooses the owner, but that doesn't mean that it will only work for the owner it chooses. We see over and over again people using other people's wands. Ron, for example, doesn't get his own personal wand until book 3. Harry uses Hermione's wand in 7 until he wins Draco's. Harry wins Draco's. We see that some work better for him than others. Hermione's, for example, doesn't work incredibly well for him. I think that Draco's wand simply works better for him than Hermione's. Perhaps because the traits that Draco's wand are best at are also things that Harry is good at. (I'll look into this later.) And also, Draco's wand probably works better for Harry because Harry won it from Draco.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 6:00 pm
by bismark
while my plot hole has been filled, i still thought it was pretty lame that the entire series was decided by a wand thinking "nah, i don't like this guy, so i won't do what he says, but i do like this guy, so i will help him out."