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Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:02 pm
by Dragon Lady
Cindy wrote:I had a dream that Professor Snape and Ginny Weasley had an Etsy business where they sold crocheted doilies.
This is my favorite thing today. Thank you. :)

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:08 am
by Tally M.
I've been having anxiety dreams a lot more frequently lately, which is really weird, since that doesn't normally happen for me.

Regardless, I ended up dreaming last night about the Apocalypse and it was kinda really scary.

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:33 pm
by bobtheenchantedone
I was a gay man in my dream the other night.

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:59 am
by Cindy
Last night's dream was a special musical episode. I woke up in the middle of Professor Snape's catchy song "I'm a Duck (You're Another Duck)," which he was singing to Voldemort in an attempt to convince him to be less evil. I don't think it was working.

(Despite what you might think from this thread, I've had very few dreams about Professor Snape, or about Harry Potter characters in general. But when Professor Snape makes an appearance in one of my dreams, I always know it's going to be a funny one.)

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 8:18 pm
by Katya
I was visiting someone in Maryland who owned a haunted house (as in the amusement park kind) and an arcade, which were next door to each other. I had to sleep in the haunted house because it was also their actual house, which was kind of creepy because I had already toured it as a haunted house, but when I was going to sleep there I got to see how all of the special effects worked, so I wasn't freaked out at sleeping there. And then the next day I realized that I needed to go home, so I needed to buy a plane ticket and I was trying to decide if I should fly out of BWI or Dulles and it was stressing me out to be buying a ticket on such short notice and I didn't know how to use public transportation to get to either airport and I was realizing that I should probably fly out of the airport that had the most Delta flights . . . and then I woke up and was relieved to not be sleeping in a haunted house, but it took me a few minutes to realize that I also didn't need to buy a plane ticket any more.

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 1:16 pm
by Katya
I dreamed that someone invited me to a "princess party" which was mostly for little kids but they needed some adults to come and dress up, so I was wearing this blue sparkly dress and not really happy about it. (I felt obligated to go, for some reason.) And then the princess party was being held adjacent to a Scout jamboree of some sort, so I thought "Well, that's two things I don't really support." And then my coworker was at the Princess Party and she was selling earrings that had sparkly stickers with cell phones and shoes on them, because in her mind, those were the modern equivalents of princess trappings (which I thought was pretty profound), although the earrings looked kind of cheap, so I hoped she wasn't charging too much for them. And then Portia showed up in a 12th century France princess costume and she chided me for my dress not being historically accurate. And then I woke up!

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 1:23 pm
by Portia
Katya wrote:And then Portia showed up in a 12th century France princess costume and she chided me for my dress not being historically accurate.
So much :D :D :D

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 8:33 pm
by Katya
Portia wrote:
Katya wrote:And then Portia showed up in a 12th century France princess costume and she chided me for my dress not being historically accurate.
So much :D :D :D
I know, right? Sometimes dream versions of people are really bizarre, but I woke up and thought "Actually, that kinds of sounds like her, so I'll go with it." :)

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 10:44 am
by Portia
Katya wrote:
Portia wrote:
Katya wrote:And then Portia showed up in a 12th century France princess costume and she chided me for my dress not being historically accurate.
So much :D :D :D
I know, right? Sometimes dream versions of people are really bizarre, but I woke up and thought "Actually, that kinds of sounds like her, so I'll go with it." :)
Hahaha. It sounds exactly like me.

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 11:09 pm
by Random
I had song-based magic in my dream the other night. All I had to do to get magical things to happen was sing about it. Sometimes I actually managed to make up cool songs!

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:17 pm
by Genuine Article
I dreamed I was trying to get a date with Brain from Pinky and the Brain. I woke up before he could give me an answer, but I think he was going to say yes.

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:57 am
by UffishThought
I dreamed that I was at Brick Oven and they needed help and so I had to jump back into things unpracticed during a very busy time.

Then I woke up earlier than I meant to, so I went back to sleep.

Next, we'd discovered that someone my family didn't want to see implicated had committed some crime with a gun, and so we wanted to get rid of the evidence for him. The gun itself was already gone, but there was a plastic holster thing and a plastic suction cup that went over the end of the gun that needed to be disposed of. I was cutting up the suction cup like it was a credit card so that it couldn't be reassembled and identified, but then my visiting teachers came over. I sat on the holster and half of the suction cup, and was trying to distract them or get them to leave, but since I couldn't actually stand up to show them the door, they wouldn't go. Then there were further antics as my parents and I kept trading the items around in awkward switches as more guests came and went and we never could actually dispose of the evidence before I woke up.

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:59 pm
by bobtheenchantedone
I dreamed I added photography to my Etsy shop, mostly portraits of church leaders for some reason (I didn't even know who some of them were). Shortly after, Elder Holland made a large purchase in my shop - several bracelets and one photograph of a woman who was making a face. He left a comment on the photo that was to the effect of "lol" and I realized the photo was of his wife.

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:37 am
by UffishThought
I was at some huge film festival with a bunch of people from my fictional dream ward, and we'd all gone to see some movie that seemed to be part James and the Giant Peach, but it kept having famous characters from other stories drop in like Sherlock Holmes, and it was a heist movie. Anyway, the theater started really packed, and my group had too many people shoved into too few seats, and it was uncomfortable, and they kept talking when I really wanted to see the movie. But apparently the vogue thing to do was to watch the first 10-15 minutes of each movie and then breeze on to the next one, so seats were opening up nearby.

I remembered having seen Hugh Laurie nearby with an empty seat near him, and I decided I would switch to that one, though I promised myself I would be really cool and do no more than nod to him and then go back to watching the movie. So I got up to move, but I could see that Hugh Laurie had already left, so I settled for another open seat.

And I turned to the guy next to me to give him the "uh, sorry, you don't know me, I just wanted this open seat" apologetic smile, and saw that he was Channing Tatum, but I stuck to my earlier resolution and didn't disturb the actors. But then apparently he thought I didn't recognize him, because he leaned way over into my personal space and kept trying to make conversation, and I kept answering in monosyllables so that I could get back to watching the movie. Finally I turned to him and said, "You know, I DO know who you are, I DID recognize you, and I think that's very exciting, but I honestly did come over here to escape the noisy people near me, and I just want to watch the movie." And then he got either bored or huffy, and leaned way the other way in his seat to be closer to his bro-friend, and I tried to get back to the movie but I'd already lost the thread, and the projector broke down soon after anyway.

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:53 pm
by Katya
Genuine Article wrote:I dreamed I was trying to get a date with Brain from Pinky and the Brain. I woke up before he could give me an answer, but I think he was going to say yes.
Of course he was! You're a catch. :)

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:04 am
by Tally M.
I keep dreaming about a guy I'm interested in...which I hate because it's messing with my conscious level of feelings for him

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:24 am
by Emiliana
Tally M. wrote:I keep dreaming about a guy I'm interested in...which I hate because it's messing with my conscious level of feelings for him
Definitely been there!

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 2:13 am
by Tally M.
Emiliana wrote:
Tally M. wrote:I keep dreaming about a guy I'm interested in...which I hate because it's messing with my conscious level of feelings for him
Definitely been there!
What did you find most effective in dealing with it? Personally I'd usually try interacting with him, but since I'm gone for another couple weeks, that's essntially impossible.

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 3:24 pm
by vorpal blade
I dreamed that something happened to my eyes so I didn't need to wear glasses anymore. Everyone said that I looked really different without glasses. Then I looked in the mirror. That wasn't my face.

Re: I Dreamed a Dream

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:18 pm
by Katya
I had to repeat first grade because apparently I was only 5 or so, even though I looked and felt like an adult and had had all of my life's experiences, and I thought "This is stupid! I've had two semesters of calculus!" But then I actually failed one of my 1st grade math assignments because I couldn't remember how to calculate a decaying sinusoidal function. (1st grade math is apparently not what it used to be!) And Bill Pullman was also in my 1st grade class, only it was 30-something Bill Pullman, not the current 50-something(?), so he was pretty cute and I was kind of hoping something would work out between us.