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Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:45 pm
by Werf_Must
Fredjikrang wrote:Just because I am curious. FLSR?

Know that I was only there for a month, so you may take this with a grain of salt, but whatever

--Many ward activities, including but not limited to: break the fast dinners, ward talent shows (they have some amazing talent in the ward right now), birthday parties for random people that everyone is invited to from all of the buildings (I beg to differ from what ahem said. She stated that crashing a party wasn't as fun if you didn't know anyone. I still had tons of fun, and I didn't even know the person who had the birthday!)
--Church is in the multi-purpose room, so it is literally like 6 steps from your room to church. Forget something? Get it for second hour and still be on time!
--1st hour of church and third hour of church are in English (with exception of the Sacrament, which rotates languages every week)
--2nd hour is split up by language and is great fun. In the summer, some groups meet outside on the grass
--Overall, very welcoming, kind people
--The lessons were still strongly about getting married
--The laundry room was often busy (fight for your right to do laundry on a Friday or Saturday)
--Close to the DT creamery
--You get to see the new Elders going to the MTC every Wednesday, leaving weeping mothers
--The multi-purpose room on the second floor of (building E I think? whichever one has the laundry) is freaken' awesome (fooseball, big screen tv, recliner, piano, pull across wall, what more could you ask for?)
--Dinners eaten with your house and during that time you speak your language
--Lots of language practice overall

Overall I give it a thumbs up... I thought it was worth it!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 5:01 pm
by Portia
I'm still thinking about it, so if anyone has nominations that aren't Westwood or on-campus (though those aren't eliminated, by any means), please, speak up.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 5:33 pm
by Fredjikrang
When I lived at Branbury they allowed semester contracts, but they charged me extra for it.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:17 pm
by Portia
For the record, Westwood is no longer offering semester-length contracts. I went and asked, and got a "no."

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:26 pm
by Nanti-SARRMM
Portia wrote:For the record, Westwood is no longer offering semester-length contracts. I went and asked, and got a "no."
Yeah, I just found out today, in fact there are no female contracts at all. The female side is being transitioned into family housing.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:12 am
by Hobbes
Portia wrote:Sweet. I'm accruing awesome points left and right.

So. Back to the original questions . . . any other semester-based, or month-based, BYU-approved places?

For those of you that lived in the FLSR, was it worth the money?
YES, if you're willing to give up two hours a day for meals.

And if your RF isn't a punk, but there's little way to predict that.

the hunt continues!

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:22 pm
by Portia
So, I thought one possible solution to my problem could be to buy a fall/winter contract, but in a ridiculously popular place. Has anyone lived in a complex where there's almost guaranteed to be a buyer? I have mostly lived in cheap places, and have often not had a roommate because my ex-roommate couldn't sell.

Would these places be mid- or high-range, you think, and apartments or condos?

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:26 pm
by Fredjikrang
Where I am currently living is like that, and it isn't too bad cost-wise. The price has gone up a bit in the last few years (once you pay utilities, it will be about $255 a month this fall/winter) but it is still pretty good.

The problem with popular places is that they fill up fast. Alta has been full for months, and has a waiting list.

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:40 pm
by Portia
Fredjikrang wrote:Where I am currently living is like that, and it isn't too bad cost-wise. The price has gone up a bit in the last few years (once you pay utilities, it will be about $255 a month this fall/winter) but it is still pretty good.

The problem with popular places is that they fill up fast. Alta has been full for months, and has a waiting list.
True dat. A part of me wants to hop on a plane, and run away from this BYU-approved mess.

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:21 am
by bobtheenchantedone
In many many ways, I am so glad I can and do live with my parents. I save on bills and housing and food, I always have someone to play with, I have a dad to kill spiders for me, no one wants to kick me out, there's a baby to hold...

Of course, I do want to move out eventually.

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:53 am
by Laser Jock
Fredjikrang wrote:Where I am currently living is like that, and it isn't too bad cost-wise. The price has gone up a bit in the last few years (once you pay utilities, it will be about $255 a month this fall/winter) but it is still pretty good.

The problem with popular places is that they fill up fast. Alta has been full for months, and has a waiting list.
Yeah, my first thought was Campus Plaza (where I lived at one point), but I'm sure it's been full for months. It's so close to campus (and not too expensive, $225 a month) that it goes fast. You could always try to find someone selling a contract...

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:43 pm
by Portia
Laser Jock wrote:
Fredjikrang wrote:Where I am currently living is like that, and it isn't too bad cost-wise. The price has gone up a bit in the last few years (once you pay utilities, it will be about $255 a month this fall/winter) but it is still pretty good.

The problem with popular places is that they fill up fast. Alta has been full for months, and has a waiting list.
Yeah, my first thought was Campus Plaza (where I lived at one point), but I'm sure it's been full for months. It's so close to campus (and not too expensive, $225 a month) that it goes fast. You could always try to find someone selling a contract...
I am going to do just that tomorrow morning.* And it's ridiculously cheap, which is good, if I end up stuck with it. (I'm thinking aggressive campaigning to Fall Semester study abroad students. :) )

*Look at a space someone is selling, that is.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:24 pm
by Portia
Well, peeps, thanks for your help. But I actually found a simpler solution to my problem: something that might be good for anyone who plans on graduating in the month of December. If you give your landlord 120 days' notice that you're graduating, they have to let you out of your contract. Who knew?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:19 pm
by Wisteria
Portia, thanks for reminding me! I may just end up using that myself, if I can swing buying the contract that has almost been promised me . . .

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:46 pm
by Portia
Wisteria wrote:Portia, thanks for reminding me! I may just end up using that myself, if I can swing buying the contract that has almost been promised me . . .
Any time. :)

On a semi-related note, one of the places I looked at wanted a deposit that was almost as much as my friend paid in Seattle. Three times the monthly rent. Um, no.

(It was none too encouraging that her assistant manager seemed to be her baby.)