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Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:20 am
by Tally M.
Well. The "None" reads the Board board. Since I posted a comment here about my tests =P

Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:04 am
by Katya

I'm deeply amused that these questions posted back-to-back.

Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:44 am
by S.A.M.
Well Katya, with your impending return to Provo, would you ever consider returning as a writer, perhaps with a new nym?

Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:38 am
by Katya
S.A.M. wrote:Well Katya, with your impending return to Provo, would you ever consider returning as a writer, perhaps with a new nym?
Mmm, in my new position, I don't think that would be wise, even if I wanted to. (Sometimes it's better not to try to relive the glory days.) BUT, I will be happy to do what I can to support the Board in other ways.

Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:32 pm
by Katya


That's three Katya-related questions in 24 hours and today is my last day at my old job, so it feels like today is all about me. (Also, did someone change the Board quote on purpose so that it would read "everybody loves katya"?)

Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:38 pm
by Gimgimno
It's either crazy chance, or Yellow did it. Maybe CPM, but it seems like something Yellow would do, doesn't it?

Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:36 pm
by Giovanni Schwartz
I don't think it said that earlier today.

Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:40 pm
by Gimgimno
I was going to tell Yellow to make it say, "EVERYbody loves katya..." but I didn't want to bother him at work.

Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:00 pm
by Katya
Gimgimno wrote:I was going to tell Yellow to make it say, "EVERYbody loves katya..."

Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:21 pm
by Squirrel
I really liked the three point rule video that serendipity shared in question 70902 today. That video is gooood. Finally- an explanation of how the dating game works. Honestly- nobody really knows how to play it, or what the rules are. Dumbest game ever. and we all have to play it.

It's like when you're in high school- you have homework to do, but it's time for FHE. You sit through the lesson, the prayer, and right before the game starts you try and grab your dessert and head back to your homework. But your mom gives you that look, that says no way, young missy. Either you play the game with us and get ice cream, or you leave now without it. You desperately need the ice cream to satisfy your separate favorite-foods stomach that never seems to be satisfied. You know that hunger will gnaw at your insides if you do not have that ice cream, even though your normal-food stomach is stretched to capacity-- the fire marshal would shout at you if you fit any more food in there.

So, you sigh, turn around and sit with the fam. in a circle and wait for the family to bicker over what the game will be. Your teenage i'm -cooler-than-this brain zones out as you ponder how incredibly stupid it is that you have to play a game. You come back to earth with a jolt as you hear the name of the all too frequented, absolute least favorite game will be played. And because it's everyone elses' favorite game, you'll be playing five rounds..... The rules have been long since lost, and your mom makes up new rules every time you play. The sibling right next to you is cheating-as always, and the one opposite from you is getting all the wild cards. You're absolutely certain that someone rigged the game to let them win.........

Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:23 pm
by Zedability
squirrel wrote:I really liked the three point rule video that serendipity shared in question 70902 today. That video is gooood. Finally- an explanation of how the dating game works. Honestly- nobody really knows how to play it, or what the rules are. Dumbest game ever. and we all have to play it.

It's like when you're in high school- you have homework to do, but it's time for FHE. You sit through the lesson, the prayer, and right before the game starts you try and grab your dessert and head back to your homework. But your mom gives you that look, that says no way, young missy. Either you play the game with us and get ice cream, or you leave now without it. You desperately need the ice cream to satisfy your separate favorite-foods stomach that never seems to be satisfied. You know that hunger will gnaw at your insides if you do not have that ice cream, even though your normal-food stomach is stretched to capacity-- the fire marshal would shout at you if you fit any more food in there.

So, you sigh, turn around and sit with the fam. in a circle and wait for the family to bicker over what the game will be. Your teenage i'm -cooler-than-this brain zones out as you ponder how incredibly stupid it is that you have to play a game. You come back to earth with a jolt as you hear the name of the all too frequented, absolute least favorite game will be played. And because it's everyone elses' favorite game, you'll be playing five rounds..... The rules have been long since lost, and your mom makes up new rules every time you play. The sibling right next to you is cheating-as always, and the one opposite from you is getting all the wild cards. You're absolutely certain that someone rigged the game to let them win.........
...will squirrel discover the truth of the matter? Can she get her homework done in time? Tune in next week to find out!

Yeah, the way you ended that totally sounded like an ominous, to-be-continued cliffhanger in my head.

Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:35 pm
by UffishThought
It's a pretty good way of saying "do go out of your way to look interested, but if they don't reciprocate, knock it off!"

That said, I checked out some of the rest of the guy's blog a couple of months ago, and was largely unimpressed. But really, that's fine--I'm sure there are women out there (lots of them!) who would go for his dating style. That's the thing about trying to figure out the "rules," though--everyone's playing a different game. Which is great, because I love Scrabble, but find Trivial Pursuit painful.

Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:36 pm
by Squirrel
sorry about that. I hate cliff hangers. It was more of a hypothetical situation drawn from real life experience. And it was way back from high school, so I bet I got my homework done in time. :-)

Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:39 pm
by Zedability
squirrel wrote:sorry about that. I hate cliff hangers. It was more of a hypothetical situation drawn from real life experience. And it was way back from high school, so I bet I got my homework done in time. :-)
I try to make a witty comment and it prompts you to apologize. What are you, Canadian? ;)

Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:48 pm
by Squirrel
Dear I See What You Did There
No, sorry.
-apologetic squirrel


Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:51 pm
by Zedability
It happens to me all the time. The best instance:

"Stop apoligizing all the time, it's so annoying!"
"I'm sorry!...crap."

Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:55 pm
by Squirrel
@ Zed yep, Haha!

Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:59 pm
by Squirrel
I thought Chrysanthemum's response to my plea for a board photo gallery was really cute and funny, but I still want one-- Just a place where you can enjoy all of the board photos- it's difficult to search them in the archives because not all of them have the word "picture", or "photo" in the answer...... as if you don't already have enough work to do.....

Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:12 pm
by Zedability
squirrel wrote:I thought Chrysanthemum's response to my plea for a board photo gallery was really cute and funny, but I still want one-- Just a place where you can enjoy all of the board photos- it's difficult to search them in the archives because not all of them have the word "picture", or "photo" in the answer...... as if you don't already have enough work to do.....
That's the real answer. It's a lot of work to go through the archives and add every single picture. Also, I'd think it would be hard to automate adding to a photo gallery after it's created, because some images in Board questions aren't necessarily images you'd want in the photo gallery.

Re: Answers I liked

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:44 pm
by krebscout
Squirrel, here's my favorite photo answer that I ever put together:

There. One entry for your gallery.

...actually I would really like to see one, too, even if it never happens.