How many blogs?

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Dragon Lady
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How many blogs?

Post by Dragon Lady »

I think I have too many blogs. I have a lot. I have:
- My pre-married blog (haven't written in since I got married)
- My married blog (my main blog, but not updated as much as I'd like)
- My Dragon Lady blog (oh gosh. I almost forgot this existed.)
- A memory blog (Theoretically updated daily. I'm about a month behind.)
- A cooking blog (Theoretically updated weekly. I get to it here and there.)
- A thrifty blog (Took a hiatus from penny pinching.)
- A randomness blog (When I feel the urge, which isn't often. I've started journaling those instead.)
- A Harry Potter blog (Started for a Board question. Got about three posts. I've got a great idea for future posts, though.)

And now I'm considering doing an Old Testament Storytelling blog. I don't write in any of them as often as I want to. I wish I would keep up with them. I have no excuse, really. Yellow has suggested combining them all (except maybe the anonymous ones) into one blog. But I worry that maybe my main readers (of my real blog) wouldn't be interested in all of the other stuff. Do they care about Harry Potter and penny pinching and what I made for dinner this week, and Old Testament stories? I can see the benefit of doing the Old Testament stories on my real blog, though. But I can also see the benefit of keeping it separate. What do you guys think? Combined or separate?

And am I crazy and alone in having 8 blogs? Potentially 9 soon? How many blogs do you guys have?
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Re: How many blogs?

Post by C is for »

ARE YOU KIDDING?? [Dragon Lady], I would love to have everything on one blog. Fewer for me to remember to check, and I think it adds variety. Not that any of your blogs alone are boring or ... too one-sided or anything, but I still think you can branch out. People can skip the posts they don't like. That's what I do.

Others' mileage may vary.

I have two blogs. A Livejournal that I started back in 2006 and is very private (meaning, for the past four years I've maundered on ad nauseum about various boys, and not much else) and a public blog I started in 2008. It suffered for a few months, but I try to post a few times a month. If my life were more exciting I'd post more often. (My rule is that I have to have at least one post between my monthly "Here are the books I read" posts.)

So, you've got a few more than I do. Um. Nothing much wrong with that.
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Re: How many blogs?

Post by ahem. »

I guess I have three. I have my personal blog, a blog I share with my sisters, and a blog which is really a recipe dump for things I find online and want to make someday.

I don't worry too much about them, really. Sometimes I post a lot, sometimes I don't post much at all.
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Re: How many blogs?

Post by Dragon Lady »

Ok. I made the blog. (It's separate. I'm now up to 9 blogs. Yipes!) It'll be announced in the next week or so on my personal blog, so if you read that, you'll get the link when it's ready. If you don't and you wanna read it, you'll have to PM me. I'm not super protective of my identity, but I also don't wanna just go handing it out. But don't feel bad if I don't reply until next week. I'm going out of town this weekend and I'm gonna be busy until then. And I don't really wanna go handing it out until I have it ready. Just in case I decide to change things and such. Y'know?
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Re: How many blogs?

Post by thebigcheese »

You do blogs, I do websites. Personal preference, I guess.

I don't know how many of my websites are currently online, but I've made 7 in total: two for music stuff, one for hiking and biking, one for funny quotes, one for historical stuff, one for recipes, and one for a 5K. I've only maintained about 3 of those recently because frankly, I just stop caring after a while. I used to have a blog, but I stopped writing in it because certain people were getting too involved in my personal life.

I really like the idea of a website/blog for personal recipes because it allows your friends/family to see them. Or you can access them from other houses, like when you're visiting parents over Christmas and you think, "Dang! I have the BEST recipe for this! But it's at my apartment in Provo..."
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Re: How many blogs?

Post by Unit of Energy »

My blogs are very rarely updated. But these are mine
A public blog
A writing blog
A name blog
my "marriage blog", which is a collections of essays on quirks and things that really matter to me in my future husband, although mostly it is for comedic effect
A book blog
A dream blog
another blog on dating, but with more generally applicable rules
and a second personal blog
There is a ninth blog that I had planned on starting, but then Overheard at BYU became popular.
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Re: How many blogs?

Post by Dead Cat »

I have one. And I last updated it on St. Patrick's Day. Yeah, I should do something about that...
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Re: How many blogs?

Post by Laser Jock »

Dragon Lady wrote:Yellow has suggested combining them all (except maybe the anonymous ones) into one blog. But I worry that maybe my main readers (of my real blog) wouldn't be interested in all of the other stuff. Do they care about Harry Potter and penny pinching and what I made for dinner this week, and Old Testament stories? I can see the benefit of doing the Old Testament stories on my real blog, though. But I can also see the benefit of keeping it separate. What do you guys think? Combined or separate?
Some blogging platforms will let you filter out certain categories, or only see certain categories (both on the main site and in RSS feeds). I know WordPress will do it; I think there's a way to do the same thing with Blogger, using tags as categories. That may not be any better than what you're doing now (people would have to know which feed or which categories they want, and not just go to the main page unless they want it all), but it's an option if you felt like combining them at some point.
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Re: How many blogs?

Post by ahem. »

Also, Dragon Lady, I subscribe to a few of your blogs, and I often skim over portions of your posts that I don't have a high level of interest in. It's not that annoying to me as a reader.

I say think about combining them at some point in the future. Simplify your life!
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Re: How many blogs?

Post by bismark »

I have one and only one blog. Sure, it has changed URL and blogging platforms a few times (much to the chagrin of some), but I like to keep things simple and all in one place.

Though I do tweet...
And post pics to Flickr...
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